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The United States in Prophecy

Dr. Alexander Kurian



  • The most influential nation in the world

  • The only Super- Power today

  • Affluent, powerful and prosperous (only 5% of the world’s population, she has more than 50% of the modern luxuries that characterize civilization).

  • So prominent in global affairs

  • The power of U.S. dollar

  • A great Christian heritage & Judeo-Christian foundation (“One nation under God”; “In God we trust”). Remember, the stern old Puritans made the deck of the Mayflower an altar of the Living God.

  • The Bible is remarkably silent about the role of America in end time prophecy

  • God does have a sovereign plan for America, but we do not have a direct reference to that plan in the Bible.


“I have always believed that this anointed land was set apart in an uncommon way, that a divine plan placed this great continent here between the oceans to be found by people from every corner of the earth who had a special love of faith and freedom” (Ronald Reagan).


Columbus believed that “his voyages were ushering in a millennial age…… and initiating a messianic period”. He was firmly convinced that Isaiah’s words, “so shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west” (Isa.59:19), referred to the lands west of Europe that had not yet been discovered. The primary purpose of his explorations was to take the message of the Gospel to the people in the unknown land.



  1. America has been the force behind world Missions and the launching pad for the great missionary movement. Hundreds of churches, mission agencies and institutions have sent out more than 75% of the missionaries from USA (only 5% of the world’s population) and the same amount of money and material aid for global missions have come from USA.

  2. America has extended humanitarian help to the poor nations of the world and to the suffering masses of people around the world.

  3. America has been a friend and a supporter to God’s chosen people, Israel. God has promised to bless those who bless Israel (Gen.12:1-3).


  1. Most modern nations are not directly mentioned in the Bible.

  2. The Bible prophets were primarily concerned with the Holy Land and its immediate neighbors; especially the enemies of Israel.

  3. God’s plan and purpose for America is primarily related to God’s agenda for the church age.

  4. Most of the end-time Bible prophecies deal with the post-rapture scenario. The last days are not about America, but about Israel.

  5. According to Bible prophecy, the European Union (“The United Sates of Europe”) will become the most powerful political entity and super power in the new world order (Daniel 2, 7). America will be incorporated into the European coalition. It may become a satellite nation of the EU and will merge into the mix of the European realignment of nations. She will not be a key player on her own. U.S. sovereignty and supremacy is already dwindling in the global arena.

“Although the Scripture do not give any clear word concerning the role of the United States in relation to the revived Roman Empire, it is clear this will be a consolidation of the power of the West. Unlike the coalitions led by the United States, this coalition will be led by others - the Group of Ten….Most citizens of the United States of America have come from Europe, and their sympathies would more naturally be with a European alliance than with Russia, Asia, and Africa….Europe and America will be in formal alliance with Israel in opposition to the radical Islamic countries of the Middle East” (John Walvoord).

6. Another option is that America will be weakened by a terrorist attack or experience a fall from the outside before the end times.

“Some maintain that the total absence of any scriptural reference to America in the end time is evidence that the United States will have been crippled by a nuclear attack, weapons of mass destruction, or some other major catastrophe……such an attack could kill millions of people and reduce the United States to a second rate power overnight” (John Walvoord).

7, America will experience a fall from inside as a result of moral and spiritual deterioration. The American liberal/popular culture seems bent on shutting God and Christianity out. The country is infected with the deadly disease of moral decay. These are symptoms of final decay and collapse. This is clearly observable in the fall of both the Greek and Roman civilizations.

“Symptoms of Final Decay”:

  • No-fault divorce

  • “Birth Dearth”; increased disrespect for parenthood and parents

  • Meaningless marriage rites/ceremonies

  • Defamation of past national heroes

  • Acceptance of alternative marriage forms

  • Widespread attitudes of feminism, narcissism, hedonism

  • Propagation of antifamily sentiment

  • Acceptance of most forms of adultery

  • Rebellious children

  • Increased juvenile delinquency

  • Common acceptance of all forms of (Carl C. Zimmerman)

Five Reasons for the Fall of the Roman Empire:

  • Undermining the dignity and sanctity of the home

  • Higher taxes and economic crises

  • Craze for pleasure and sporting events

  • Building up armaments when real decay is inside the country

  • Decay of religious faith (Edward Gibbon)

Some Amazing Parallels Between the Roman Empire and the United States:

  • Super- power nations

  • Most prosperous nations in their time

  • Influenced the whole world

  • Their senate met in the Capitol Hill

  • Lady Liberty was the goddess of Rome

  • Eagle was the symbol of imperial Rome

  • Obsessed with luxury, pleasure and materialism

  • Built colossal stadium for sporting events

  • Athletes were the highest paid individuals

  • Slavery issue

  • Gay and lesbian life-styles were welcomed and encouraged

  • Tolerated all religions except Christianity

8. The Rapture Reason: God’s major plan and purpose for America will be fulfilled by the Rapture. If the Rapture were to happen today, the country will lose a minimum of 25% of her population and she would also lose the “salt” and “light” of the nation. Only evil people will be left and this will further bring the downfall of America. “It’s like a reverse surgical operation – one in which all the healthy cells are removed and only the cancerous ones are left to consume one another” (David Jeremiah).
“Although conclusions concerning the role of America in prophecy in the end time are necessarily tentative, the Scriptural evidence is sufficient to conclude that America in that day will not be a major power and apparently does not figure largely in either the political, economic, or religious aspects of the world” (John Walvoord).

WHAT ABOUT EZK. 38:13 & Rev.16:14?


“Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish, with all its villages (or “young lions”).”

Sheba & Dedan – Arab nations

Tarshish – Farthest western region; probably Spain (or) a reference to the western nations in the last days including the USA (?)

“Villages or Young lions” - U.S. or Great Britain (?). “Lion” symbol of Britain. Refe: to British colonies (?).

Rev.16:14: “Kings of the whole world” in the battle of Armageddon. This will include a revived and a remobilized United States.




Most of the empires of world history existed only 200-300 year period and then they collapsed, taken over by other empires. National debt, deficit and borrowing, and unable to pay it back prompted the empires to invade other countries. Financial crisis and moral and spiritual deterioration were the major causes for their downfall. A democracy will always be temporary in nature, and when it collapses it is followed by a dictatorship.

Our trust should not be in governments, nations, civilizations or culture. These institutions last but a moment, crumbling into dust to be swept away by the winds of history. They have never been worthy of our trust. Only God who is the architect of history, our Creator, and Redeemer is worthy of our allegiance. God will humble the nations .He will intervene in mankind’s affairs and establish His Kingdom, which will bring peace, righteousness and blessing.

“And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever” Daniel 2:44).

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