The Songs of the Saints - Scriptural Guidelines for Music in the Church
Alexander Kurian, Jr.
I. Why do a study on music?
Because music is spiritual in nature - it began in heaven even before the creation of man (Job 38:7), is something given by God (e.g. Ps.40:3), and is primarily directed towards God (e.g. Ps.96:1).
Because music is one of the activities/duties of a Christian (1Cor.14:26; Eph.5:19; Col.3:16; Js.5:13).
II. Where do we study music from?
The Word of God, because it is sufficient to fully equip us in this area (2Tim.3:16-17).
We first look to the New Testament (because we are part of the Church, not Israel) and specifically, the books of Acts-Jude (because they contain the instructions on church life). This does not mean the OT is not important but that our primary point of reference is the NT.
III. Is music important to God?
YES! God is a God of music – there will be singing in God’s presence in heaven (Rev.5:9; 14:3; 15:3) and Christ Himself sings (Mk.14:26; Heb.2:12).
The Bible is a book of music -Nearly 500 verses related to music in the Bible, especially in reference to God’s chosen people, the nation Israel.
Largest book in the Bible – a songbook (Psalms); longest chapter in the Bible – a song (Ps.119).
IV. Why should we sing?
Because we are told to Eph.5:19; Col.3:16; Js.5:13.
It is one of the first signs of being filled with the Spirit Eph.5:19.
V. When should we sing?
When we come together as Christians/as a church Eph.5:19; Col.3:16; 1Cor.14:26.
In times of joy (Js.5:13) and in times of trouble (Acts 16.25).
VI. Verses in the NT on Christian singing/music in the church:
Col.3:16 Sing with preparation, purpose, peace, a pattern, and a proper attitude.
Eph.5:19 Sing as a result of being filled with the Spirit; sing more from the heart than from the mouth.
1Cor.14:15 Sing with a proper balance of emotion and truth.
1Cor.14:26 Sing to edify/strengthen the church.
1Cor.14:40 Sing properly/decently and in an orderly manner.
VII. Some observations from the book of Psalms (the inspired songbook):
Songs deal with a variety of subjects (e.g., God, sin, salvation, creation).
Songs deal with a variety of situations (e.g., encouragement, teaching, warning, correction, praise, confession, comfort).
Songs have a good balance of objective truth and subjective feelings/response.
Every song mentions at least one thing about the person and/or work of God.
Every song mentions God by name.
VIII. Some issues related to music/singing in the church:
· Ability:
Music/singing not specifically mentioned as a spiritual gift (Rom.12:6-8; 1Cor.12:8-10; Eph.4:11).
No specific mention of a special class of singers in the church like in the OT (e.g.1Chron.25). Everyone is expected to sing.
Conclusion: Those able may lead to ensure order/quality without attaching too much significant to the position. At the same time, leading singing/music is a responsibility in the church, and those so who do so must take it seriously (e.g. qualifications mentioned in Acts 6:2-3 just for waiting on tables).
· Worship:
Number of verses in NT (Acts-Jude) that mention music in worship - 0.
Conclusion: The NT does not give a prominent role to music in the area of worship (this does not mean that music cannot be used in worship). In the life of a NT believer, worship is primarily marked by two things - sacrifice and service (Rom.12:1-2).
· Instruments/Actions:
Number of verses in the NT (Acts-Jude) that mention instruments in singing - 0.
Number of verses in the NT (Acts-Jude) that mention actions in singing - 0.
Conclusion: Instruments/actions are not so important that God had to command them; neither are they so evil that God had to forbid them.
· Evangelism:
Preaching is the method explicitly stated/used for spreading the Gospel (Rom.10:14; 1Cor.1:21) whether to a large crowd (e.g. Acts 2:14) or to an individual (e.g. Acts 8:35).
Singing is primarily seen as something done among Christians (Eph.5:19; Col.3:16; 1Cor.14:26).