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The European Union & the Rebirth of the Roman Empire

Dr. Alexander Kurian


In 1930 the French statesman Aristide Briand made the first attempt to form “the United States of Europe by enlisting 26 nations. “The nations of Europe today must unite in order to live and prosper.”  In 1946, after the Second World War, Winston Churchill revived the idea for the unification of Europe. For European peace and prosperity on the world stage, “We must build a United States of Europe.”


In 1948 the Benelux Conference was held in Brussels, Belgium, attended only by three nations (the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium) laid the foundation for a new organization “to unite European countries economically and politically to secure a lasting peace.”


In April 1951, the three nations that participated in the Benelux conference, with the help of Germany, France and Italy, made the first attempt for forming the Common Market by signing the Treaty of Paris. On March 25, 1957 The Treaty of Rome was signed on Capitoline Hill, one of the famous Seven Hills of Rome. Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Belgium joined together, creating the European Economic Community – the Common Market. This event may be considered as the official reunification of the Roman Empire.

​In 1973 UK, Ireland and Denmark joined the EEC, and Greece was added in 1981, making it a ten-nation confederation.

  • In 1987, the Single European Act was implemented.

  • Fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany in 1989.

  • In 1992, Common European passport was issued.

  • In 2002, the Eurozone and the new monetary unit Euro, was introduced.


​By January 2007, the total number of nations in the EU is 27. The EU population now is over 450 million people and surpassing North America as the world’s biggest economic zone. This is a necessary prelude to the revival of the Roman Empire as prophesied in the Bible. The dissolution of the Soviet Union also paved the way for the unification of Europe.

​According to end-time Bible prophecy, a new empire is in the making. The United States of Europe will replace the United States of America and will be the leader of the new world order. It will prepare the way for the final form of world government and will be man’s last attempt for peace. The “legs of iron” in Dan.2 represents the strength of the ancient Roman Empire. But the clay denotes weakness and instability. The clay mixed with iron represents the diverse racial, political, or religious elements that will comprise the final form of the Roman Empire. It cannot hold together for long and will result in its ultimate downfall.

The end-time ten-king form of the Roman Empire is pictured in Daniel 2 as the ten toes of the great image. The same truth is again symbolically represented in the ten horns of the fourth beast in Daniel’s vision in chapter 7. Prophetically this is the final phase of gentile world history. A strong dictator of great charisma and ability will emerge who will consolidate these ten nations into a united empire. The dictator-leader (Antichrist) will extend his power to the entire earth (Rev.13).

The European Union (EU) will continue to go through various changes and stages. The UK stopped being a member of EU on 31 January, 2020. The British Exit is known as Brexit. It seems that center of operations and power may shift to Germany. EU currently counts 27 countries. In its final form the seat of power will be vested in ten nations led by Antichrist.

​In the final turn of events, Jesus Christ will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to establish His glorious kingdom The Second Coming of Christ is developed in multitude of Bible passages. “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever” (Daniel 2:44).

Globalism : Setting the Stage for the Antichrist

Globalism means “a national-geopolitical policy in which the entire world is regarded as the appropriate sphere of a state’s influence.” It is a “national policy of treating the whole world as a proper sphere for political influence.” This is seen all over the world today in technological, social, political, business and economic fields. Social and economic globalization pave the way for other globalization trends. The world is considered to be a global village. Globalism will lead to the consolidation of world power and the unification of the world under one dominant leader. The reunification of Europe through the European Union signals this trend.  


Globalization in History

  1. Nimrod is the father of the “Kingdom of Man”; the first world empire (Gen.10:8-10). He was a “mighty” hunter (a warrior, a despot, a hunter of men). It was through his ability to fight, kill and rule that he consolidated his kingdom (Gen.10:10: first occurrence of the word “kingdom” in the Bible”). Pride, vanity, rebellion and fame were the characteristics of his kingdom. It was a kingdom by man for man’s glory and rebellion against God. It is the prototype of all cities, nations, kingdoms and empires to follow. God did not allow it to succeed.

  2. The gold statue Nebuchadnezzar erected (Dan.3) was a symbol of Babylonian pride; an attempt to unite his kingdom (Saddam Hussein also echoed the same ideology), forgetting that it will be succeeded by other empires and he will be gone.

  3. God will restrain global govt. and the unification of the world until the Antichrist comes. It will also result in global judgment.

  4. The G7 annual economic summit which began in the 70’s envisioned globalism. Gorbachev and George H.W .Bush reiterated the importance of a “New World- order.” In the Millennium Summit of Sept 2000 Kofi Annan pushed the Agenda for “a benevolent globalization in the 21st century.”

  5. The church and religion also have embraced globalism - eclectic religion, new age movement, universal spirituality, one-world religion, ecumenism etc.

  6. The world is not a place of isolation today. We are just one global community in one global neighborhood. Look at the obvious trends towards globalism - global communication network, global satellite, global television, global lert, global response to problems, global simcard, global email, global banking, moving towards global currency, global id, global passport, global chip etc.


The world’s problems also have become global – global terrorism, global recession, global oil & energy crisis, global warming, global pandemics, etc. Global problems demand a global solution through a global govt. and by a global leader. The present pandemic (Covid -19) crisis is unprecedented in history and it is fueling more global research and cooperation between nations to come up with a vaccine that will ultimately destroy this virus.


The tower of Babel in Genesis 11 was an attempt by the people to concentrate power in their own hands, to unify and control everything; to make a name for themselves. It was a disastrous globalization attempt to try out a one world government. But God intervened and disrupted their attempt. God has not yet allowed a one world government to rule the nations. But the time will come, when God will allow it for a short time under the leadership of Antichrist. But any attempt to be autonomous from God’s kingdom rule will produce divine intervention. Finally God will set up His kingdom on earth and will implement His Kingdom agenda – a visible demonstration of the rule of God every area of life, a peaceful, righteous and prosperous globalization.

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