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The Doctrine of the Millennium (An Outline Study)

Dr. Alexander Kurian

1. What is the meaning of the word “millennium”?

  • The word “millennium” is of Latin origin and means “one thousand years”(See Rev.20:4,5).

2. What is the doctrine of the millennium?

  • Lord Jesus Christ will return to establish His earthly reign of one thousand years in fulfillment of God’s covenants with Israel.


3. When will this happen?

  • At the end of the seven year tribulation period, Christ will come to earth with His own(Rev.19:11-16) and will establish His kingdom for a thousand years(Rev.20:1-5).


4. What is the order of events in relation to the Millennium?

  • The rapture of the Church(1 Cor.15:51-57; 1 Thess. 4:14-18) at the end of this age.

  • Seven year tribulation on earth(Rev.6-16)

  • The glorious coming of Christ to the earth at the end of the tribulation period(Rev.19:11-16).

  • The binding of Satan(Rev.20:2-3) and the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom(Rev.20:4)

  • The Great White Throne Judgment of all unbelievers, at the end of the millennial reign(Rev.20:11-15)

  • Creation of a new heaven and new earth(Rev.21)

  • Eternity(Rev.22)


5. What are the three different viewpoints on the Millennium?

  • Postmillennialism – Christ will come after the Kingdom has been established by the Church

  • Amillennialism – Christ is reigning today in heaven and there is no future millennium.

  • Premillennialism – The second coming of Christ will occur prior to the millennium and He will establish His kingdom on earth for a literal 1000 years.


6. What is the foundation of the premillennial view?

  • Found in the four covenants in the Old Testament:

  • The Abrahamic covenant(Gen.12:1-3) – the land, the seed, the blessings

  • Palestinian Covenant(Deut.30:1-10) – the land

  • Davidic Covenant(2 Sam.7:12-16) – seed, house, kingdom, throne

  • The New Covenant(Jer.31:31-34) – a new heart, forgiveness, spiritual restoration. The normal interpretation of these covenants call for a future blessing for the nation Israel in the land under the Messiah’s rule. These covenants await literal fulfillment in the Millennium.


7. What are the other names commonly used for the millennial Kingdom?

  • Messianic Kingdom

  • Davidic Kingdom

  • Earthly Kingdom

  • Theocratic Kingdom

  • Mediatorial Kingdom


8. What are the three concepts of the kingdom in the Bible?

  • The Universal Kingdom(1 Chron.29:11; Psa.145:13) – God as the ruler of the whole universe

  • The Spiritual Kingdom(Col.1:13) – The kingdom into which all believers have been placed at the time of salvation

  • The David/ Messianic/ Millennial Kingdom(Rev.20:1-5) – it will be realized at the second advent of Christ.


9. What are the major characteristics of the Millennial Kingdom?

  • The divine curse upon nature will be removed. The earth will be cleansed of all its pollution and will be restored to its original fertility and beauty(Isa.11:6-9, Isa.35)

  • Righteousness(Isa.32:1; 11:4-5; 16:5; 1:26)

  • Peace(Isa.2:4;19:23-25; Zech.8:4-5)

  • Prosperity(Amos 9:14; Isa.35:1-7)

  • Knowledge of the Lord(Isa.2:2-3)

  • Holiness(Isa.4:3-4; Zech.2:12)

  • Truth(Zech.8:3)

  • Glory(Isa.24:23; 35:2; 40:5)


10. What will happen to Satan during the millennium?

  • At the establishment of the millennial Kingdom, Satan will be bound and cast into the abyss(Rev.20:1-3). At the end of the 1000 years, Satan will be released to make one final revolt(Rev.20:7-9).


11. Who are the subjects in the Millennium?

  • All the saved of Israel and the saved of the Gentiles who survive the Tribulation and who are living at the time of Christ’s return

  • Only the saved go into the Kingdom(Dan.7:18,22,27; Matt. 25:31-46).

  • All sinners will be cut off before the institution of the Kingdom(Isa.65:11-16; 66:15-18; Mal.3:2-6;4:1,3).


12. What is the nature of the governmental administration in the Millennium?

  • The Lord Jesus Christ will be the sovereign ruler(Rev.19:15-16; Isa.9:6-7;32:1; Zech.14:9).

  • The city of Jerusalem will be the center of government(Isa.2:3; 24:23; Zech. 14:16-17).

  • David will be a regent in the Kingdom(Jer.30:9; 33:15, 17, 20-21; Ezk. 34:23-24; 37:24-25).

  • The twelve apostles will be rulers of the twelve tribes of Israel(Matt.19:28).

  • Other princes, nobles and governors will share in the governmental duties(Isa.32:1; Jer.30:21; Zech 3:7; ISa.1:26).

  • Positions of authority will be shared by believers of all ages as a reward for faithfulness(Rev. 2:26-27; Lk.19:11-27).

  • The church will also reign with Christ(Rev. 5:10).

  • Sin or rebellion will be immediately punished(Isa.11:4; 29:20-21; 65:20).


13. Will there be sickness and death in the Millennium?

  • No. The Lord will be the healer throughout the age and sickness and deformity will be eradicated. Death will be there only as a penal measure in dealing with overt sin. Everyone will enjoy health and long life(Isa.35:5-6; 33:24; 11:4; 65:22; Jer.30:17; 31:30; Ezk.34:23-31).


14. Will there be reproduction in the Millennium?

  • Yes. The living saints who survive the Tribulation and who enter the Kingdom in their unredeemed bodies will populate the earth(Ezk.36:10-11; 47:22; 30:18-20; Isa. 65:20-25; Zech 10:8).


15. What about worship in the Millennium?

  • Temple, sacrifices and priesthood(Ezk.40-48; 20:40-41; Jer.33:15-18) will be restored.

  • The sacrifices will not be expiatory but only be memorial, commemorative and symbolic.


16. How will the Millennial Kingdom end?

  • A worldwide revolt led by Satan(Rev.20:7-10)

  • Satan and his forces will be defeated and will be cast into the lake of fire(Rev.20:10)

  • Unbelievers of all ages will be raised and judged at the Great White Throne(Rev.20:11-15)

  • Christ will hand over the Kingdom to God the Father, to be merged into the eternal Kingdom(1 Cor.15:24,28; Rev.22:3-5).

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