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Studies in Biblical Prophesy

Dr. Alexander Kurian

Why Study Prophesy?

27% of the Bible is Prophecy. 94% of the Bible contain some prophetic information. The focus of prophecy is the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.1845 references to Christ’s SC in the OT (929 chapters), and 318 references in the NT (260 chapters). 23 of the 27 NT books mention the return of Christ. One out of every 25 verses in the NT refers either to the rapture or to the SC. It is mentioned eight times more than Christ’s first coming.

Read: Rev.1:3; 19:10; 2Peter 1:19-21; Isa.46:8-10; 48:3.


Prophecy is relevant to our lives. Focusing on the future has its benefits and blessings:


1. Prophecy proves the truthfulness of Scripture. Prophecy is the means God has given to authenticate His truth before a watching world (Isa.41:21-23; 44:7-8).

2. Prophecy presents a proper view of the time and age in which we live. Prophecy is God’s free public service announcement. Do you know where you are in the timeline of history? What time is it? Prophecy tells us where we are now (Isa.21:11; I tim.4:1; 2 Tim.3:1).

3. Prophecy proves God is in control (Psa.103:19; Prov.19:21; Eph.1:11; Rom.8:28; Isa.14:24; 45:6-7).  

4. Prophecy provides comfort in sorrow (1Thessa.4:13-18; 1 Cor.15:51-17). It instills hope and confidence for the future. It sheds light in a dark world.

5. Prophecy promotes purity (1John 3:3). Prophecy which reminds us of what is to come, motivates us toward pure living. The prophetic promise of our hope has a purifying and refining effect on us.

6. Prophecy is a pointer to the judgment to come on the unbelieving world. It is a warning for the unbeliever of the judgment of God (2 Thess. 1:7-9). Hence it is an incentive for evangelism & evangelistic prayer.

7. Prophecy promises the ultimate victory of the people of God and their vindication (Rev.20; 2 Thess.1).

The relationship between prophecy and practice is evident in the way prophetic truths are presented in the NT letters.

“God gave prophecy to change our hearts, not to fill our heads with knowledge. God never predicted future events just to satisfy our curiosity about the future. Every time God announces events that are still future, He includes with His predictions practical applications to life” (Charles H. Dyer).


End Times Timeline

1. The Rapture of the church (1 Thess.4:13-18). Christ comes in the clouds to take the church home. This is the “blessed hope” of the church.

2. The Rise of the Antichrist & the Tribulation (Rev.13; 6-16).  A satanically empowered dictator will emerge and gain worldwide control with promises of peace. He will be assisted by a “false prophet” who heads up a religious system along with the political system of the Antichrist. This religious system will require worship of the Antichrist. During this seven year period, God’s judgment will be poured out upon sinful humanity. Antichrist will turn against the nation Israel and severally persecute them.

3. The Battle of Gog & Magog (Ezk.38-39). This may happen in the early part of the Tribulation. A great army from the north in alliance with several M. Eastern and African countries will attack Israel and will be defeated by God’s supernatural intervention.

4. The “abomination of desolation” (Dan.12:11; Matt.24:15). During the middle part of the tribulation, the Antichrist turns against Israel scattering and persecuting them. He himself will claim to be “god” and demand worship from the Jewish people and the world. He will also desecrate the Jewish temple. It will be time of intense persecution against all those who oppose him.

5. The Battle of Armageddon at the end of Tribulation (Rev.19:17-18; 16:16). Jesus returns with the armies of heaven (Rev.19:11-16). The Antichrist and the false prophet are captured and thrown into the lake of fire (Rev.19:20).

6. The Judgment of the nations/Sheep & goats Judgment (Matt.25:31-46). Christ will judge the nations (the survivors of the tribulation), separating the righteous from the wicked. The righteous will enter the Millennial Kingdom, and the wicked will be cast into hell.

7. The Binding of Satan (Rev.20:1-3). Satan will be bound for the period of 1000 years.

8. The Millennial Kingdom (Rev.20; Isa.60-62). In fulfillment of the OT prophecies and the Davidic Covenant, Christ will rule the world in righteousness and in peace

9. The Final Rebellion (Rev.20:7-10). At the end of the 1000years Satan will be released for a short time. He will deceive the nations and there will be a final rebellion against the Lord that will be quickly defeated.

10. The Great White Throne Judgment (Rev.20:11-15). The wicked from all times will be resurrected to stand before God before His great throne in final judgment. All of sinful humanity will be cast into hell for eternal punishment.

11. The New Creation & Eternity (Rev.21-22). God completely remakes the heavens and the earth. The children of God will enjoy eternity with God forever.

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