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The Importance of the Study on Spiritual Gifts


Dr. Alexander Kurian

  1. The prominence of spiritual gifts in the Bible (Rom.12; 1Cori.12-14; Eph.4; 1Pet.4).

  2. Spiritual gifts are a matter of individual stewardship (1Pet.4:10).

  3. Knowing your spiritual gifts will enable you to find your place of ministry in the local church (1Cori.12:7; 14:12).

  4. Knowing your spiritual gifts will enable you to determine the priorities of your ministry (Rom.12:3-8).

  5. Spiritual Gifts are important because the growth and maturity of the body of Christ depends on their proper functioning (Eph.4:7-16).

  6. The study of spiritual gifts is important because of their abuse (1Cori.12-14).

  7. Discovering, developing and exercising your spiritual gifts is a mater of obedience to the Word of God (Rom.12:3-8; 2Tim.1:6)


A Definition of Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual gifts are gifts of God’s grace (“grace gifts”). It is received through the “grace given” to believers (Rom.12:3). A spiritual gift is a God-given ability for spiritual service. It is a divine endowment of a special ability for service upon a member of the body of Christ.


Distinction Among “Gifts”, “Talents”, & “Fruit” of the Spirit

  1. A spiritual gift is a special ability for service bestowed upon a believer at his conversion to benefit the body of Christ.

  2. A talent is a natural or inherent ability given at birth through our parents to benefit mankind generally.

  3. The fruit of the Spirit is a cluster of spiritual qualities of Christian character which the Holy Spirit produces in a believer (Gala.5:22-23).

The Distribution of Spiritual Gifts

  1. Distributed to all believers – “to each one”(I Cori.12:7,11; Eph.4:7; 1Pet.4:10)

  2. Distributed by the Holy Spirit according to His sovereignty (1Cor.12:11)

  3. Distributed by the risen, ascended and glorified Christ (Eph.4:7-11)

  4. Distributed by God the Father (Rom.12:3)

Father is the originating cause of spiritual gifts

Son is the instrumental cause

Holy Spirit is the dynamic cause

The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts 

  • Edification of the body of Christ (ICori.12:7; Eph.4:12)- building up, growth and maturity.

  • The List & Classification of Spiritual Gifts (1Cori.12:8-10, 28-30; Rom.12:6-8; Eph.4:11; 1Pet.4:11)

  • There is some degree of overlap in these lists. At least 15 different spiritual gifts are mentioned in these passages.

  • The gifts divide into two broad categories, speaking and serving /ministering (1Pet.4:11): “Whoever speaks…….whoever serves.

  • The miraculous gifts of healing, tongues, interpretation and miracles can be classified as sign gifts.

  • These gifts have an authenticating relationship to the apostles and their ministry (2Cori.12:12; Heb.2:3-4).


Putting Your Gifts to Work (Discovering, Developing, Exercising Your Spiritual Gifts)



In the description and teaching of Spiritual gifts, the NT writers seem to assume that believers will know what their spiritual gifts are. Hence no detailed formula of discovering one’s spiritual gifts is given in the NT. The following practical guidelines may be of help:

  1. Asking (praying): Ask the Lord to show you what your gifts are.

  2. Awareness: Diligently study the Word and expose yourself to the biblical teaching on Spiritual Gifts. You may also read helpful books that would explain the scriptural teaching on gifts.

  3. Aspiration: Have a desire and willingness to do what the Lord wants you to do.

  4. Activity: Get involved in the ministries of the local church/work of the Lord in whichever way you can.

  5. Ability: Activity points to your ability and ability increases with practice.

  6. Affirmation: The blessings that will accompany your ministry.



  • By Prayer

  • Enlightened by Study

  • Indicated by Desire

  • Confirmed by Ability

  • Recognized by others • Accompanied by Blessings

  • Develop Your Spiritual Gifts



  1. By Exercise

  2. By Evaluation

  3. By Education


Points to Ponder

  1. There are no commands to discover one’s spiritual gift; but we are all commanded to use our spiritual gifts (1Pet.4:10).

  2. Make use of every opportunity available in serving the Lord.

  3. The “gift” of a spiritual gift is a call to exercise it (2 Tim.1:6; 1Tim.4:14; Colo.4:17)

  4. Since spiritual gifts are a part of our Christian stewardship, we are responsible and accountable in the exercise of it.

  5. The leadership of every local church must make diligent effort to recognize the spiritual gifts especially of its young people lest they feel frustrated and unfulfilled.

YES, You are Graced, Grafted and Gifted. Unwrap your spiritual gifts for God’s glory.

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