Leadership in the Church of God
Dr. Alexander Kurian
1. Doctrinal clarity
2. Doctrinal conviction
3. Practical application
4. Better appreciation
5. Balanced perspective
6. Transformational implications
7. Implementation of remedial measures
1. The Leadership of the NT Church is by a Plurality of Elders (Acts 20:17; Phil.1:1; James 5:14; 1 Peter 5:1-3).
· Flexible pattern of Church government verses normative pattern. Plurality of leadership is normative.
· Their qualifications (1 Tim.3; Titus 1).
· The Bible does not specifically command that each church should have a certain number of elders.
· Since Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, any form of Church government which gives preeminence to men rather than to our Lord is unbiblical.
· The headship of Christ is best reflected in the rule of plurality of elders. It avoids exalting men over men.
· No one man has all the gifts necessary to lead the church. God has diversified spiritual gifts, which necessitates plurality rule.
· Matt.18:18-20 (“two or three” may be a reference even to the leaders of the church in the context of Church discipline). The Lord convinces a plurality of men of His will. They have come together to decide a matter of discipline.
· The terms elders, overseers/bishops and shepherds/pastors are interchangeably used (Acts 20:17, 28; 1 Peter 5:1-2). Pastor is a gift while elder is an office. The work of elders is primarily shepherding (pastoring) – feeding, leading, providing, protecting, guarding, guiding, and caring. Elders are to lead the church as pastors.
· All elders are not equal in their giftedness and abilities. We should not expect all elders to have the same ministry, the same gift, or level of success.
- Recognition of elders (Acts 20:28; 14:23; Titus 1:5).
Lack of emphasis in our assemblies on pastoral care and the pastoral nature of oversight responsibilities.
- The need for full time elders (1 Tim.5:17-18).
- Lack of growth and health of many assemblies.
- People in “crisis” situations do not find our assemblies to be a very attractive or welcome place.
- The involvement and initiative of the elders in feeding the people of God - ministry of the Word.
- The problem of “any man” ministry and the “preacherhood of all believers”.
- “Hit and run” ministry. No consecutive and systematic teaching by gifted men.
- Right doctrines wrongly practiced and implemented.
- Basic problems: lack of teaching about these specific issues and lack of strong pastoral oversight.
- The urgency to rectify these problems.
2. Leadership is a Special God-given Ability (1 Cor.12:28; Rom.12:8).
- Character/qualifications – “Integrity of heart.”
- Gifts/abilities – “Skillfulness of hands.”
3. Church Leaders Act in God’s Behalf and Are Accountable to Him for Their Leadership (Heb.13:17; 1 Peter 5:1-5).
- Accountability
- Responsibility
4. Leaders are to View Their Leadership as Stewardship (1 Peter 4:10).
- Management
- Faithfulness
- Accountability
5. Leaders are to Lead by Serving – Servant Leadership (Jn.13; 1-17; Mk.10:42-45).
6. Leaders are to Lead by Setting an Example (1 Peter 5:3).
7. Leaders are to Lead by Managing (Acts 20:28; Phil.1:1).
- “Overseers.”
- Management abilities (1 Tim.3:4-5).
8. Leaders are to lead as Shepherds of the Flock (Eph.4:11; 1 Peter 5:1-2).
- Pastoral visitation
- Pastoral counseling
- Pastoral mentoring
9. Church Leaders are Fallible, and Thus Subject to Correction Within Biblical Guidelines (1 Tim.5:19-20).
10. Leadership Over Men is to be Exercised Only by Men in the Church ( 1 Tim.2:11-15; 1 Cor.14:34-36).
11. The Deacons Are the Helpers and Assistants to the Elders (Phil.1:1; 1 Tim .3:8)
- The idea of service (diakonos).
- Acts 6:1-6 may be considered as a proto-deacon situation.
- No specific ministries assigned for them.
- Help the elders and relieve the elders of tasks which would detract them from their priority ministries (Acts 6:4).
- The importance of their ministry – their qualifications are almost identical with those for elders (1 Tim.3:8-13).
12. Elders are Ultimately Responsible to Make the Decisions in the Assembly. But They Should Not Do So In a Way That Excludes or Ignores the Congregation (Acts 6:1-6; 15:22).
While elders alone are collectively responsible for pastoring the flock of God, each individual believer in the assembly has a personal obligation to engage in pastoral ministry to others. The gift of pastor (Eph.4:11) is not restricted to those who function as elders officially. Those who have the gift of pastoring (or pastor-teacher) should exercise their gift for the benefit of the body of Christ.
Identify three areas from the above principles, which need to be urgently taught or practiced in your church (areas of deficiency):