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Who Created God? 

Who created God

A number of skeptics ask this question. Bertrand Russell, the famous British philosopher put this forward as his first major objection against Christianity. Let me politely say that this is an improper question. Only created things have a creator. God by definition is the uncaused cause, the uncreated creator of the universe. Hence this question is illogical just like to whom is the bachelor married? Everything which has a beginning has a cause. That is why the universe need a cause. The universe has a beginning. Therefore the universe has a cause. The universe requires a cause because it had a beginning. God unlike the universe had no beginning, so doesn’t need a cause.


God is the uncaused cause. In Christian theology this is known as the self-existence of God or the Independence of God. The technical term is “aseity’ – ASEITY. It comes from the verb “to be.” It means being from oneself as opposed to being from another. God is free from all and dependent on none for His being. God is the high and lofty one that inhabits eternity – Isaiah 57:15. Similar declarations are found in Isaiah 40:18-31, Exodus 3.13-15, and I Timothy 6:16. God’s eternal self-existent nature finds its expression in the name Jehovah.


One of the most established principles of logic is the principle of causality. Something that has a beginning has a sufficient cause. But it doesn’t say everything has a cause. Something which had no beginning had no need of a cause.


Even today Richard Dawkins and Philip Adams repeat this fallacious objection against Christian faith. It is contradictory that atheists believe that the greatest beginning of all – that of the universe, matter and life – had no cause whatsoever, at the same time we have to explain where God came from? Look at how prejudiced and illogical the question is. Who created God? The question is flawed because God is not in the category of things that are created or caused. If God has a beginning, or if he were a created being, then He would not be God. God is eternal, and not an effect. Since He is not an effect, He does not require a cause. He is the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. He is the eternal I am, dynamic, active, self-existent Creator God.

Does the Bible Attempt to Prove the Existence of God?

Does the Bible Prove the Existence of God

The Bible does not seek to prove the existence of God.  God’s existence is assumed from the beginning to the end of the Bible. The Bible begins with God: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God is there. He exists. He is the Creator of the universe. The Bible declares that God has revealed His existence in and through the creation around us. Thus all men have evidence of God. As Paul wrote in Romans 1, God’s existence is evident to all. Nature itself is the best argument for intelligent design, leaving men and women without excuse. 


The fundamental reality of God’s existence is the foundation of biblical revelation. The Bible declares that he who comes to God must believe that He exists and He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. The Bible claims to be God’s Word, His revelation or communication to man. There is no need for the author to prove His existence in his book. The book is the product of the author and the book proves the existence of its author. The painting points to the artist, just as the cosmos points to a creator.

Thus the Biblical record everywhere bears testimony to the reality and existence of God.


Not only does the Bible assume that God exists, it says, only fools deny His existence.  “Fools say in their hearts, there is no God.” The Bible also warns that those who deny God’s existence have no real excuse. Man in his rebellion against God tries to suppress the very truth of His existence. God is the fundamental reality in the universe. He is there always.  That is the reason no attempt is made in the Bible to prove that God exists.  So let me summarize the biblical affirmations concerning the existence of God. Six important declarations: God exists, He is the Creator, He has revealed Himself, His existence is evident to all, only fools deny His existence, and those who reject His existence have no real excuse.


Have you ever thought about this: It is quite unreasonable for someone to say, “I know that God does not exist.” Our knowledge is so limited when compared to all that could be known. No one has 100 percent knowledge about everything in the universe. Then how can anybody say, I know there is no God. A person would have to know everything before that statement could be confirmed. To deny the existence of God a person must be omniscient (all-knowing) to do so.

Can Science Prove God Exists?

Can Science Prove God Exists

This is a question frequently asked by believers and unbelievers. I think the best answer is, science can never prove or disprove the existence of God. What is the acceptable level of proof to an atheist? In my experience, I have found that the atheists usually reject whatever proof I may present. They will argue that it is not sufficiently strong to convince their mind. We must know that science deals with objects and forces that can be observed and measured. This is only in the physical and material realm, and not in the spiritual realm. Science is incapable of measuring and investigating matters related to the spiritual realm. Many questions that affect us throughout our life, the meaning and purpose of life, all go beyond the scope of science.


Even when science measure, test and investigate things related to the physical and material realm, the result is only as good as the tools and the equipment we use to make these observations. It is impossible for science to accurately measure every state of every particle under every condition all the time. Though science is incredibly useful, it is also limited. Science is always a work in progress. It is a process. This is why many scientific conclusions have to be constantly revised, modified, changed, or updated. Ideas about God and other supernatural beings can never be confirmed or denied by science, as no experiment exists that could test their presence. We have to accept the limitations of science. It is never able to make moral judgments. It can never deal with values or morals. Questions that arise within the domains of morality, aesthetics, and theology cannot be explained or resolved by science. Science is incapable of drawing conclusions about God. We know that there are numerous phenomena even in the natural world that cannot be explained by science.


But many findings of science are compatible with the existence of God and a purposeful creator. That is why many famous scientists both in the past and in the present have believed in God. Can science prove God exists? Science can never prove or disprove the existence of God because that is beyond the scope and work of science.

Can You Prove God Exists?

Can You Prove God Exists

Whether God exists is the most important question any person can consider. Any proof, or airtight sound arguments are still unconvincing to those determined to disbelieve. To that person, it’s not proof, even if it would convince almost anyone else. What kind of proof is necessary and how much? If a person is honest and sincere, he must consider the evidence that is already before him than looking for more and more evidences, finally becoming immune to any evidence. This is what is really happening in the case of many atheists.


Christian theology presents several rational arguments for the existence of God. These are based on common-sense, basic reasoning, and logic. The universe is an effect which requires an adequate cause and the only sufficient cause is God. Nothing cannot produce something. Every effect must have an adequate cause. The universe not only proves a maker, but a designer. There is observable purpose and order in the universe which argues for the existence of a purposeful intelligence and creative design. Taking into consideration the incredible design in the universe, the belief in an intelligent designer is reasonable. The assumption that the universe exists by a lucky accident is an enormous leap of faith. That is why Albert Einstein declared that the harmony of natural law reveals an intelligence of such superiority. Look at man. Since man is a moral and intelligent being, he must have had a maker, who is also moral and intelligent. Man’s moral nature, religious instincts, conscience, and emotional nature argue for the existence of God. Man has an intuitive awareness of God which is natural and spontaneous. Man is incurably religious and has an ardent yearning to worship God. Atheism is not the rule in human experience, it is an only an exception, quite unnatural and the result of laborious and fallible reasoning. A blind force could never produce a man with intellect, sensibility, will, conscience, and inherent belief in a creator.


These arguments may not be absolute or comprehensive, but they are sufficient  to dispel reasonable doubt and consider what’s most probable. It is based on logic, reason, nature of the universe, and the nature of the human mind. These proofs are valid in that they evaluate the evidence to a true conclusion – belief in God is not irrational. Though Christian faith goes beyond reason, it is not against reason.

Age of the earth

What is the Age of the Earth According to the Bible?

The Bible never specifies a date for creation and never declares an age for the earth. This is not one of the topics explicitly addressed in the Bible. That means this is not a critical topic as far as Christian faith is concerned. If we take the six days of creation as literal 24 hour periods and if there are no gaps in the genealogy calculations in Genesis, the age of the earth may be 6000 years old, or less than 10,000 years. Those who believe that the six days of creation represent long time periods will lean more towards a date far older than a few thousand years. The idea of millions of years did not come from clearly proven undisputed scientific facts. It is also based on calculations, assumptions, theories, hypotheses and possibilities. Some of these are also driven by an opposition to biblical creationism. The precision and accuracy of the Radiometric dating method also has its own problems. Geologic time scales and fossil records also are dependent on many assumptions and not on clear proven facts. There is a leap of faith even in these so-called scientific theories and explanations.


The possibility remains that God created the world with apparent age, with the appearance of maturity. God created everything as it would later appear as the earth had been in continuous existence. The earth and man were created with apparent age. Adam was created as a full grown man. God created mature mountains and trees. So this is another possibility that God designed the earth with built in apparent age.


But we can be more certain about the age of the oldest Human civilizations including Sumerian, Egyptian, Indus-Valley and others. They are all not more than 6000 years old. We a have to admit that there are many gaps in our knowledge and research as we probe into the question of the age of the earth or universe. We have to be satisfied by some possibilities, theories and assumptions.  “In the beginning” Whenever that was, God created the heavens and the earth - Genesis 1:1. There is no better verdict than this statement in relation to creation. Scientists have failed to identify the origin of life or matter and they cannot explain how something came from nothing. No wonder they can either explain the age of the earth.

Where Did Cain Get His Wife?

Where did Cain get his wife

Skeptics have used this question time and again to discredit the Bible.


Adam was the first man God created and Eve was the first woman. In Genesis 3:20 Eve is called the mother of all the living. All human beings are the descendants of one man and one woman – Adam and Eve. They had three sons, Cain, Abel and Seth. Genesis 5:4 also tells us that they had other sons and daughters. According to Jewish tradition, they had 15 children. The fact that Cain was scared for his own life after he killed Abel reminds us that there were many other children or grandchildren of Adam & Eve living at that time. Originally, brothers would have married sisters. It was the only way for the propagation of the race. The first children of Adam had no choice but to intermarry. In that particular situation God allowed it. It was only when there were enough people to make intermarriage unnecessary that God forbade it. In the Law of Moses, it is commanded that no longer close relatives marry –Leviticus 18:6-18. The repeated phrase “uncover nakedness” in this passage denotes incestuous sexual relationship. Since God designed the blessing of sex, He gets to decide the parameters in which it is to happen.


We should also know that before the fall of man into sin, his genes were perfect. But that changed after the fall. The human genetic code has become increasingly polluted over the centuries. The first few generations of Adam and Eve had less genetic defects and greater quality of life than we do now. In that condition with less genetic defects and recessive traits it was safe for them to intermarry, and it was part of God’s plan. But today incest results in genetic abnormalities. Recessive character become dominant in similar genes. This is my answer to this question. Hope it is helpful to you.

What is the Image of God in Man?

What is the image of God in man

God created man in His own image. What does that really mean? A simple answer is that God’s image includes the moral, ethical, rational, intellectual, and spiritual abilities of man. This is a reflection of the nature of the Creator God. Based on God’s commands to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, the image of God also consists of the role the humans are to play on earth – their rulership over the planet and its resources. Thus the image of God is a reference to man’s elite status in creation to represent God. God placed humankind as living symbols of Himself on earth to represent His reign. This is the reason God values people so much. We are made to reflect His majesty on earth. “Let them have dominion over the earth.” Rule as God’s regent. That is, people are to rule as God would – wisely and prudently.  Represent Him in your life and responsibilities, and be faithful in your stewardship. I believe, the image of God in man (the theological concept known as “imago dei” in Latin) includes all these ideas.  

Who are the Sons of God in Genesis 6? 

Who are the Sons of God in Gen 6

There are differing interpretations on the identity of the “Sons of God” in Genesis 6. I personally incline to the fallen-angel view. The phrase “Sons of God” is used in the Old Testament exclusively to angels – Book of Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7. God’s people are never called the sons of God in the Old Testament. In 2 Peter 2 and in the letter of Jude we read of angels, who did not keep their own domain, and abandoned their proper abode. God has kept them in eternal bonds under darkness for the final judgment. I believe this is a reference to the group of fallen angels who cohabited with women in Genesis 6 and who were confined immediately because of this gross sin. Thus it becomes evident that there are two groups of fallen angels or demons. One group is active and free today carrying out Satan’s plans.  But another group, as we have seen in 2 Peter and Jude, is in confinement in Tartarus, the place of darkness and punishment for some specific sin other than the original sin associated with the fall of Lucifer. It is reasonable to conclude that this is the specific and unnatural sin of Genesis 6. Angels neither marry nor procreate. But the Bible doesn’t say they are totally incapable of it. It seems that they did on this unique occasion described in Genesis 6, co-habiting with human women to produce human offspring. It is possible that these fallen angels took on human form, and out of a perverted lust seduced women. Though we are not able to completely resolve this interpretive problem, in my opinion, the fallen-angel view is the best option we have.

Did God Limit Man's Life Span to 120 Years?

Life Span

The idea that man’s lifespan is 120 years comes from Genesis 6:3: “The Lord said, his days shall be 120 years. This verse does not teach that mankind’s lifespan was limited to 120 years. The first part of this verse reads: “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever.” In the context, it is better to see God announcing a 120 year window for repentance after which the judgment of the flood would come. There will be a delay of 120 years before the judgment of the flood. We also read in verse eleven. “The earth was corrupt in the sight of God and the earth was filled with violence.” 120 years is the span of time until the flood in which man was given the opportunity to repent and turn to God. God will extend a “grace period” of 120 years before expending His wrath in the flood. This shows God’s longsuffering and patience, not willing that any should perish.  It is important to take into consideration the context of Genesis 6 before giving an interpretation of verse 3. It seems that the reduction of human lifespan does not occur until well into the stories of the Patriarchs. Today the average length of life is 70 to 80 years as we read in Psalm 90.

Guardian Angels

Do We Have Guardian Angels?

Angels are called ministering spirits in Hebrews 1:14. They have been duly commissioned by the Lord to serve His people. The word ministering denotes an official function. God does use angels in ministering to us in various ways. Throughout the Scripture, We find angelic ministry to God’s people.  It includes physical protection, physical provision, and deliverance from danger, encouragement, giving direction, and guidance. The nation of Israel had the archangel Michael assigned to it, Book of Daniel 10:21. The idea of guardian angels come from Matthew 18:10 which states that the angels of little children always see the face of God. Apparently children have guardian angels. Some would argue that the collective pronoun “their”- their angels, only mean that believers are served by angels in general. In Acts 12:15 when Rhoda was guarding the door while Peter knocked for entrance, the person at the door was described as “his angel.”  But the Scripture nowhere clearly teaches that an angel is assigned to an individual as a permanent bodyguard, as a guardian angel. The belief in the guardian angels was developed among the Jews during the intertestamental period. Angels are sent to help individuals. But this is different from a permanent assignment. God does use angles to minister to us in various situations. But the question of guardian angels cannot be emphatically answered from Scripture. It is reasonable to think that the angels protect the physical aspect of our lives, whereas the Holy Spirit protects the spiritual aspects of our lives.

Can a Christian be Demon Possessed?

Can a Christian be Demon Possessed

The answer is no.  A Christian is permanently indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit would seem to forbid a rival power like a demon also possessing a believer at the same time. Apostle John declares that the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world. Demon possession means a demon or demons reside within a person exerting direct control on that person’s mind and body. This can cause serious physical, emotional and mental problems. It evidences itself by a change in moral character and spiritual disposition. Sometimes, such persons can possess supernatural knowledge. As we read in the Gospel narratives, some demon-possessed persons exhibited supernatural strength and ability to break shackles and chains. They recognized who Christ was. Though a believer cannot be possessed by demons, he can be the target of demonic activity, and ca be influenced, and oppressed by demons, leading him to sinful behavior and addictions. In all the passages that deal with spiritual warfare, there are no instructions to cast out a demon out of a believer. Believers are told to resist the devil, and to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. As believers we wage war with Satan and his demons in the power of the Holy Spirit, by taking up the full armor of God. We are not told to cast out demons out of others. The methods of spiritual warfare in the New Testament do not involve casting out demons. In the face of any demonic activity, we can always pray and seek the Lord’s help. Jesus disciples performed exorcisms under the direct command and authority of the Lord to show Christ’s dominion over the demons. This was a part of their special authority for miraculous ministries.

Herd of Pigs

Why Did Jesus Send out The Demons to the Herd of Pigs?

The story of Jesus casting the demons into swine is recorded by Matthew, Mark and Luke. Luke tells us that the demons pleaded not to be sent into the abyss, the underworld, the prison of bound demons. Why they specifically asked to enter the herd of pigs is unclear. It seems they were drawn to the unclean animals because of their own filthiness. Anyway they wanted to avoid the place of confinement. They knew that they were under the authority of Christ and could not do anything without Jesus’ permission. Though demons have power, they are under the control of God, and can only act in a way He allows. They acknowledged Jesus’ power and authority to send them to the place of confinement if He desired. If the pigs’ owners were Jews Jesus could have been rebuking them for violating the Mosaic Law which forbids Jews from eating or keeping unclean animals. They were kept illegally for a profitable business by Jews who were living in this gentile territory. This is a possibility. If the owners were gentiles, Jesus was using this miracle to show them the nature of evil spirits and how dangerous it is to live under their influence. This was also an occasion for them to witness Jesus’ power and authority over demons and creation. They were frightened to be in His presence, but were unrepentant and remained in their sin.

What Does the Inspiration of Scripture Mean?

Inspiration of Scripture

The word “inspiration” literally means “breathed out.” The Bible says “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” - 2 Timothy3:16. God breathed out His Word just as the breath of our mouths produces our own words. God through His Spirit inspired every word penned by the human authors of the Bible. They were under the supernatural guidance, influence and control of the Holy Spirit in such a way that they wrote exactly and accurately what God wanted them to write without error. Inspiration or the breathing out of God’s Word refers to the direct act of God on the human authors of the Bible that resulted in the creation of perfectly written revelation from God. Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit – 2 Peter 1:21. The word “moved” means carried along, or to be borne along. They were moved or carried by the Spirit to the goal that He intended. The Bible teaches complete or full inspiration of the Bible. This is usually referred to as verbal, plenary inspiration which means every word of Scripture and all parts of the Bible in its entirety is inspired and God-given. All parts of the Bible as well as every word of the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, authoritative Word of God. This is the biblical view of inspiration.

Anchor 1

Why Do We Reject the Apocrypha?


The Roman Catholic Church recognizes the Apocryphal books as authoritative in addition to the 66 books of the Bible. The word “apocrypha” means “hidden.” The apocrypha has different doctrine and practices than the Holy Scripture. They teach salvation by works, preexistence of souls, doctrine of purgatory, praying for the dead and the prayers of the dead. Jesus and the apostles never quote the apocrypha while they make numerous reference to the canonical books of the Old Testament. No council of the Christian church in the early centuries recognized the apocrypha as inspired. Jerome, the translator of the Latin Vulgate and the Reformers also rejected the apocrypha. The Jewish historian Josephus affirms the canonical books of the Old Testament, but never quote the apocrypha as inspired. The Jewish council of Jamnia in A.D.90 recognized and affirmed the Old Testament books, but did not recognize the apocrypha. The apocrypha has always been rejected by the Jews as Scripture. These books were written during the 400 silent years between the Testaments. The apocryphal books fail to exhibit divine inspiration, authenticity and authority. Some teachings in the apocryphal books are unbiblical and contradicts the written Word of God. The Roman Catholic Church canonized the apocryphal books in 1546 in the council of Trent. Evidently, the apocryphal books support their unscriptural doctrines.

How Did the Church Decide Which Books were Canonical?

canonical books

The word canon means “a measuring rod.” The terms Canon or Canonical signify standards or norms by which books were measured to determine whether or not they were inspired. A Canonical book is one that measured up to the standard of Scripture. God who gave us His Word also guided the church to recognize these books. God determined the canon; the church only discovered it. God made the canon, the church only recognized it. Certain “tests” were applied in this process. The church applied four criteria to determine what books meet the standard of being the inspired Word of God.


1) Apostolicity – apostolic authorship or endorsement for the book. Who wrote the book? Was the author an apostle or did he have a connection with an apostle?


2) Authenticity of the content – did the book reflect consistency of doctrine with what had been accepted as orthodox teaching? Did the book speak with divine authority? Did the book reflect the quality of inspiration? Was it in harmony with the message of the other books of the Bible?


3) Acceptance – was the book accepted by the church at large and universally recognized as Scripture? 


4) The life-changing power of the message of the Book. Did the message of the book reflect life-transforming power?


In A.D. 397, the Council of Carthage affirmed the New Testament Canon.

Can God Do Everything?

Can God Do Everything

God can do everything that is in harmony with His nature and attributes. Omnipotence of God does not mean that God can do anything. There are things God is unable to do because they would contradict His character. God cannot lie – Hebrews 6:18; God cannot deny Himself – 2 Timothy 2:13. He cannot be tempted with evil – James 1:13. He cannot look with favor on sin – Habakkuk 1:3. Questions such as, "Can God make 2+2 = 6?", "Can God make a rock so big that He cannot move it?" or "Can God draw a square with only three sides?" are all erected on a false premise. These questions assume that omnipotence means God can do anything. These questions raise only pseudo problems and involve meaningless self-contradictions. These are logical impossibilities and absurdities, and therefore, non-entities. There are things which God cannot do and will not do because they are contrary to His divine nature.


Apart from these natural limitations, God also has self-imposed limitations. He has not chosen to include in His plan certain things which He might have included as long as they were not contrary to His nature. He did not choose to save all people. He did not choose all nations to be His own people. He did not choose to spare John the Baptist or James from a violent death. He could have done any of these things without being inconsistent with His holy nature and omnipotence, but He did not choose to do so in His Sovereign will. Can God do everything? Yes, everything in harmony with His nature and everything He sovereignly chooses to do according to the good pleasure of His will.

What is the meaning of Genesis 3:16: "Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you?"

Gen 316

These are the words of God to Eve after the Fall. A good number of Bible scholars take “desire” to mean the psychological desire to dominate and control her husband. The word “desire” can also mean usurp or control as in Genesis 4:7. Eve will now have a tendency to dominate her husband. The battle of the sexes have begun. Man’s leadership of the woman is not a result of the Fall. But the Fall brought with it the woman’s tendency to dominate her husband and man’s leadership became vexing, annoying and frustrating to her. Sin has turned the harmonious God-ordained relationship into a distasteful struggle. In her fallen state she will desire to conquer her husband, but he will rule her despite her efforts. This is a part of the conflict sin brings into husband-wife relationship. This is the predominant view. And this interpretation is quite possible.  


But my own preference is to see “desire” in its normal usage, in a physical or emotional sense, not in a psychological sense. Though she will suffer the pains of childbirth, the wife would have a deep attraction to her husband and that will compensate for the sorrow of childbirth. This includes sexual attraction, longing for protection and love. Woman’s desire for man is an attraction which cannot be uprooted from her nature. The alienation, broken intimacy, and pain in childbirth resulting from the Fall will not be allowed to annul your desire for your husband nor abrogate the command to be fruitful. This interpretation also is quite possible and fits in well with the context. 

What Does the Bible Say About Judging Others?

Judging Others

Can we judge others? “Do not Judge, or you too will be judged” – Matt.7:1. This command of Jesus is the most widely quoted of His sayings. What does it really mean? This verse is quoted out of context by many to preclude all negative assessments and that we cannot tell anyone that they are wrong. Jesus is talking about passing criticism about someone to someone else. We create our own standard of what is acceptable, and measure everyone against it, hypocritically, mercilessly, and unjustly critiquing others. Harsh, self-righteous, unfair, unforgiving judgment is always wrong.  We should not have a critical and fault-finding spirit. But in this same chapter Jesus warned about false prophets and the need to discern who are the “dogs’ and “pigs” and false prophets. This needs some kind of judgment. Jesus throughout His ministry called the Pharisees to task for their hypocritical lifestyle. The Bible’s command that we not judge others does not mean we cannot show discernment. We must have the ability to discern and judge between true and false teachings, between right and wrong, and in a spirit of gentleness and love to correct others. When we identify “sin” in our life or in the life of others and calling to repentance, we are judging based on God’s standards.  In John 7:24, Jesus commands us to “judge correctly” and to avoid superficial judgment. So the words of Jesus in Matthew 7 does not prohibit all types of judging. There is a righteous kind of judgment we are supposed to exercise with careful discernment.

What is a Worldview?


A worldview is an overall view of the world. It is an all-encompassing perspective on everything that exists and matters to us in our life. A person’s worldview reflects his fundamental beliefs, assumptions and values. It is his fundamental orientation to the big questions of life about who and what we are, where do we come from, and where we are headed. A worldview addresses the question of the meaning of life, the nature of prime reality, the purpose of life, and the mystery of life after death. A person’s worldview determines his approach to ethics, morality, political, economic, social, and cultural issues. The Christian worldview analyzes and understands these issues primarily through the lens of God’s revelation in Scripture. A Christian worldview operates within the framework of God’s truth revealed to mankind in the Bible. When a person commits himself to the veracity or the truthfulness of the Word of God, it becomes the foundation of everything he believes, says and does. He analyzes contemporary cultural, spiritual and social issues in the light of God’s Word. A Biblical worldview provides compelling answers to the fundamental questions of life. The non-biblical worldview bombards us constantly through media, entertainment industry, cultural ideologies, political correctness, books, newspapers, and academia. In Romans 12:2 Paul exhorted us not to be conformed to the standards and patterns of this world – Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within. As Christians, we embrace a biblical world view in a comprehensive sense and reject all other worldviews.

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