Prophecy for Today
Dr. Alexander Kurian
Modern man is asking questions about the future as never before. People all over the world are living in “panic mode” and in “future shock.” Global problems are bringing up many questions about the end of the world. What does the future hold for planet earth? Where are we heading? Who has the answers? The current events are preparatory for the final drama leading up to Christ’s enthronement on the throne and the establishment of His kingdom upon earth.
World events are unfolding in accordance with the divine blueprint. The eternal God has chosen to unfold His plan for the ages in His Holy Word. The study of prophecy is not to be undertaken because of its sensational nature, but because of a desire to know the truth revealed in the Scriptures. It is important that we understand and appreciate as fully as we can what God is saying to us in the prophetic word. But the heart of God’s purpose for prophecy is changing our hearts and affecting the way we live our lives.
We are “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ….” (Tit.2:13; See also 2 Peter 2:11, 14). Bible prophecy is important; it is a very serious business with God. Mess with His prophetic Word, and it will mess up your eternity. God’s prophetic message is so important that He announced a curse on anyone who tampers with it (Rev.22:18-19).
The Study of Bible Prophecy & the “Time” Factor
The Preterist (Past) View: Most of Bible prophecy has already been fulfilled, mostly in relation to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
The Historicist (Present) View: Much of the current church age as equal to the Tribulation period. End-time prophecies are being fulfilled in the current church age.
The Idealist (Timeless) View: There is no significance for time in prophecy. The prophetic passages mainly teach timeless, ideals and moral truths that are to be applied regardless of timing.
The Futurist (Future) View: The end-time prophecies in relation to the second coming, tribulation, millennium etc will literally take place in the future. Biblical eschatology is primarily futuristic and forward-looking (Tit.2:13).
Prophecy in the Light of its Importance & Purpose
Prophecy helps authenticate the Bible. Prophecy gives proof of the inspiration, inerrancy and authority of God’s Word (2 Peter 1:20, 21).
Prophecy imparts credibility to the preaching of the Gospel (the evangelistic impact of prophecy).
Prophecy reveals God’s character (Isa.46:8-10). God is sovereign. When you understand God’s program, you get to know more about Him. Whatever God plans, He accomplishes. No part of His will can ever be thwarted by man or Satan.
Prophecy brings good news in grief, gives comfort, hope and encouragement for the future (1Thessa.4:13-18; 2 Thessa.2:1-2).
Prophecy brings stability in trials. It helps us to be strong in the storms of life (John 14:1-3).
Prophecy promotes purity and perseverance in life. John gave a classic statement of the purifying purpose of prophecy (1John 3:2-3).
Prophecy reminds us that we have a future to prepare for (2 Cori.5:10).
Prophecy tells us the goal of human history; where God is going in history. It also gives us a goal in the light of the ultimate purpose and calling in Christ (Phili.3:8-14).
Prophecy should create in us a sense of urgency. It should stir our souls to obedience and service and to be ready for the Lord’s return (Matt.25:13; 2 Pet.3:12; 1Thessa.5:6).
Prophecy teaches us to have a right view of life (2 Cori.5:8; Colo.3:2). It helps us establish proper priorities. Your life should have a heavenly dynamism about it that earth shrinks in significance.
Prophecy promotes witnessing (2 Cori.5:11; Heb.10:31; 12:29).
Prophecy promotes worship & praise (Rom.11:33). The preeminent person in prophecy is the Lord Jesus Christ. Through the prophetic word God would allow us to see more of the Lord Jesus Christ as He fully is, and that we will come first and foremost to worship and acknowledge the majesty of God in the person of His Son (Reve.1:12-18).