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Leadership & the "Oneness" Principle

Dr. Alexander Kurian


This brief lesson is a doctrinal and practical study based on the creation narrative in Genesis. The unity/oneness theme that begins in Genesis (Chapters 1-2) has deep significance in all realms of relationships God has ordained. This applies to marriage, family, social and ecclesial areas. The “oneness’ theme highlighted in Gen.2:24 connects with unity in diversity principle which is one of the fundamental truths in the functional aspect of the church. This has great relevance to leadership in the church. Our study will focus on a deeply practical exploration of the truth of oneness, unity, team work, both in marriage and leadership roles in the church.

The Definite Purposive Creation of Man


1. Man was created (Gen.1:27. See the repetition 3 times).


2. Man was created male and female (Gen.1:27). Equal, but different. Equality does not mean indistinguishability. It is not “sameness” in everything or equal functionality. In the economy of the family and the church, the man is to lead, protect, cherish, care for, act upon and initiate. The woman is to respond receive, bear, nurture, follow, submit (some parallelism within the Trinity – functional difference & subordination, but one in essence). The doctrine of headship in creation surfaces here, which has wider implications in the functional aspect of the family and the church.


3. Man is created in the image of God (repeated 4 times in Gen.1:26-27).

Imago dei in man includes:

A. Man’s moral, ethical, intellectual, rational and emotional, spiritual likeness and abilities.

B. It specifically pertains to the capacity for spiritual relationship.

C. In the context, it may be better to see the image as living symbols of God on earth to represent Him, His reign and authority on earth (as God’s regents. Only humanity has been given dominion over God’s creation.  This interpretation fits well with the command that follows in Gen.1:28).

Practical implications:

Husband-wife relationship in the covenant of marriage represents Christ and the church (its symbolic significance).

The elders are under-shepherds of the church, Christ being the Chief shepherd. The under-shepherds are stewards of the church. They have to be faithful, responsible, and accountable.


4. The word “man” is used generically here, further amplified as “male and female.” The concept of teamwork, plurality and unity toward the doxological purpose in creation is an integral part of the creation narrative. The same thread of ideas are woven together in the plural oversight and functioning of the elders. The unity in diversity leading to oneness in purpose is also clearly reflected in the body image of the church and the distribution and exercise of spiritual gifts.


God’s Overall Purpose for Marriage

1. Mirror God’s image (Gen.1:26-31).


2. Mutually complete one another (Gen.2:18).


3. Multiply a Godly legacy (Gen.1:28).


The Parallelism in Church Leadership:


1. The under-shepherds represent the Chief Shepherd – His rule, will and Word.


2. Complementary role in plural functioning.


3. Pass on the baton by equipping and training future leaders.


The Ultimate Purpose in Marriage - Oneness (Gen.2:24)

“Oneness” is the core and ultimate purpose in marriage.  Gen.2:24 can be considered the most important verse on marriage in the Bible. It is quoted 4 times in the NT; twice by Jesus and twice by Paul (Matt.19:5; Mk.10:7-8; 1 Cor.6:16; Eph.5:31). The “leaving” and “cleaving” is to fulfill this ultimate purpose.


1. Physical oneness - sexual intimacy (body).


2. Soulish oneness – values, outlook, philosophy of life, vision for life (mind).


3. Spiritual oneness - worship, service, faith, doctrine, convictions (spirit).


Implications & Application for the Leadership in the Church


The oneness and unity factor is foundational to the effective functioning of plurality leadership. The oversight in each assembly has to seriously consider the practical means through which they can foster and maintain oneness and team spirit. One of the most destructive trends among elders today is their lack of unity and team spirit, and each one creating his own party and supporters.



The parallels between marriage/family relationship and church leadership is numerous. Spiritually rooted and scripturally guided families are the backbone of a healthy assembly. Family is also a training ground for service and leadership in the church.  No wonder one of the qualifications spelled out for elders is that, an elder “must be one who manages his own household” (1Tim.3:4-5).

“Whenever we seek to add a new elder or a new pastor, we always like to meet the man’s wife and children. The church, after all, is not a corporation, but a family. If there’s any true reflection of an overseer’s spiritual qualifications, it’s the home he leads” (Chuck Swindoll).




Headship & Plurality in Church leadership


1. The foundational principle: Christ is the Head of the Church (Colo.1:15-20). “Not holding fast to the head” (Colo.2:19) will be totally destructive to the church.

2. The ultimate purpose of the headship of Christ is that He might have preeminence in all things (Colo.1:18).


3. Head is not only the Creator, and Lord, He is also the sustainer (Colo.1:17).


4. The Head coordinates and directs the body.


5. In the light of Christ’s headship, any form of church government which gives preeminence to men rather than to Christ is unbiblical. Exalting any man as the head or the chief in the church is totally against the vital truth of Christ’s headship.


6. The headship of Christ is best reflected in the rule of a plurality of elders.

a. Preeminence only belongs to the Lord and not to any man.

b. No one man has all the gifts and abilities necessary to lead the church. The diversity of spiritual gifts necessitates plurality rule.

c. One man cannot decide what is best for the church. The elders meet to discern the will of God in unity and harmony. Easy decisions, easy solutions, and easy unity revolving around the decisions of one man is not what the Lord has intended for the church. Plurality of men working as a team in mutual love, submission, grace and respect, totally depending on the Lord, patiently working together in the light and knowledge of God’s Word to discern the Lord’s will is the pattern God has established. Matt.18:20 is a good example of this principle. It is two or three gathering for judging a matter which necessitate church discipline. One man cannot make this decision. Under the headship of Christ a plurality of men makes the decision as the Lord of the church convinces them.


Plurality is not simply a “number game” as many think. It is a truth built on deep theology. Elders/leaders who do not comprehend and appreciate the doctrinal truth behind plurality leadership will never be able to function effectively in their responsibilities.

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