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An Interactive Bible Study

Dr. Alexander Kurian


(Ephesians 4:1-6)

Questions for Reflection and Application

  • What does Paul beg the Ephesians to do?

  • Define each of the characteristics to which Paul calls attention in v. 2.

  • How would following the instructions in verse 2 contribute to the unity of the Church?

  • In what kinds of situations do you find that you struggle with the tension between humility and pride?

  • In verses 4-6, Paul repeats the word “one” seven times and three of those allude to the persons of the Trinity. How does unity of our God relate to Christian unity?

  • How does Paul make it clear that unity is not uniformity?(See 4:7-16).


(Ephesians 4:17-5:4)

Questions for Reflection and Application

  • On a scale from 1-10, 10 being most pure, how would you describe the purity of the church today? Explain.

  • Paul insists that the Ephesian Christians must no longer live like pagans(Gentiles). How are the pagans described?

  • Look carefully at this description. Explain the logical steps of their downward path of evil.

  • What then is the significance of truth and ignorance in living a life of purity?

  • What are you doing to renew your mind in Christ?

  • List each of the six examples of sin that we are to put off, noting the positive command with each instruction(See 4:25-5:4).

  • Why do you think Paul introduces the Holy Spirit in 4:30?

  • In 4:25, Paul states, For we are all members of one body. What would be the affects of obeying these commands upon the body of Christ?



(Ephesians 5:21-33)

Questions for Reflection and Application

  • Whether you are married or single, when is it hard for you to humbly submit your will to that of another person?

  • Why is verse 21 an excellent opening statement to this section on marriage?

  • What does it mean to submit to the Lord(v.22)?

  • What do we learn from verses 22-24 about how a wife is to regard her husband?

  • Why is the wife supposed to submit to her husband?

  • How has Christ loved the church?

  • In your own words, what is the husband’s goal for his wife(vv.26-27)?

  • What is the significance of a husband and wife becoming one flesh(vv.31-32)?

  • How do you respond to the fact that the marriage of believers represents to the world Christ’s relationship to His church?

  • How can the Christian community build and support our marriages?

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