Antichrist: The Coming World Ruler
Dr. Alexander Kurian
Other than Jesus Christ, the Antichrist is the most important figure in Bible prophecy. At least 25 names appear in the Bible for Antichrist. He is a satanic superman. We get the term Antichrist (anti can mean “against, “opposite to” or “instead of,” “in place of”) from John’ epistles (used five times – 1Jn.2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 7). It is a philosophy than a person in John’s usage. John uses the term in reference to the false teachers of his day. They were not the ultimate Antichrist of the end time prophecy. But they did represent the initial stage of Satan’s “Antichrist Program.” Satan’s antichrist system is already at work.
The word antichrist (antichristos) is contrasted with false Christ (pseudochristos, Matt.24:24; Mark 13:22) in Scripture. Antichrist denies that there is a Christ; he is opposed to the very idea of Christ. In origin, nature and purpose, he is diametrically opposed to Christ. But False Christ does not deny the being of a Christ. He builds on the world’s expectation of a Messiah and affirms himself to be the Christ.
“Satan is seeking to give the world a ruler in place of Christ who will also be in opposition to Christ so that he can rule over the world, instead of Christ….Satan not only opposes the program of God; it is also a substitute for God’s program” (J.Dwight Pentecost).
“The beast” (Rev.13:1)
“The lawless one” (2 Thessa.2:8)
“The man of sin,” “the son of perdition” (2 Thessa.2:3)
“The prince who is to come” (Dan.9:26)
“A master of intrigue” (Dan.8:23)
“The vile person” (Dan.11:21)
“The willful king” (Dan.11:36)
“The little horn” (Dan.7:8)
“A worthless shepherd” (Zech.11:16-17)
“The Head over many countries” (Psalm 110:6)
Extensive revelation is given about this person through these names and titles, because he is Satan’s great masterpiece in the imitation of the program of God. Though he is described in great detail, his identity is not revealed in the Bible. The Bible does not tell us who the Antichrist will be. He will be revealed only after the rapture (2 Thessa.2:3-8).
Chaotic world conditions (especially global problems) with no solutions
Aid of apostate religion
Superhuman power
Great personal ability
The world’s willingness and readiness to embrace such a world leader
“We do not need a committee. We have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people, and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man and be he god or devil, we will receive him” (Paul-Henri Spaak).
- Revelation of the antichrist after the Rapture (2 Thessa.2:7-8)
- Negotiations with Israel and the signing of a peace treaty (Dan.9:27)
- Coronation as the supreme monarch and period of supreme world power (Rev.13:5,7)
- Breaking of the covenant and persecution against the nation of Israel (Dan.9:27; Rev.13:7)
- Self-deification (2 Thessa.2:4: Rev.13:14-15; Dan.9:27; 12:11; Matt.24:15)
Securing worship:
- By arousing the hero-worship instinct of men (Rev.13:3-4)
- Through the display of superhuman powers (Rev.13:12-14)
- By means of threat and economic and military sanctions Rev.13:15-17)
- He will be so successful that “all that dwell in the earth shall worship him…..” (Rev.13:8).
- Destruction of the Religious Babylon or Apostate Church. Having attained his goal, he no longer will need the support of the false religious system. Under the direction of the ten confederated kings, her wealth will be confiscated, her system destroyed, and her support withdrawn (Rev.17:16-17).
- Achieves the ambition of Satan to receive worship (Rev.13:4). The proposal of Satan to Eve in the garden will have been achieved through the Antichrist, namely, “You will be like God” (Gen.3:5).
Near the end of the seven years of tribulation, the fifth angel will pour out his bowl of wrath upon the throne of the antichrist and his kingdom and authority will be destroyed (Rev.16:10-11; Dan7:25-26). But this is not his absolute end. The commercial and political Babylon also will be destroyed (Rev.18).
The antichrist will further organize a campaign against Jerusalem known as the battle of Armageddon (Rev.16:12-16) and He will be personally destroyed at the glorious coming of Christ (Rev.19; 2 Thessa.2:8). The Beast and the False Prophet are cast into the lake of fire (Rev.19:20) and thus “he shall come to his end, and none shall help him” (Dan.11:45).
He will be a Charismatic Leader (Dan.7:7-8, 20, 23, 25; 11:36; Rev.13:2, 6). His charismatic personality will be enhanced by his brilliant intelligence and oratorical skills.
He will be a Cunning & Clever Leader (Dan.7:8; 11:21). He will be politically inconspicuous. He will squeeze out others and by cunning manipulation and clever strategies will seize the kingdom by intrigue. He will not enter the world scene with a fanfare and glory. He is the “little horn” who grows to be a big horn.
He will be a Cruel Leader (Dan.7:23, 25). He will devour and persecute the whole world. He will be a cruel, blood-shedding leader.
He will be a Commercial Leader (Dan.11:43; Rev.13:16-17). He will be the CEO of the world’s economy. Commerce, business and banking will all be nationalized and will be under his personal control.
He will be a Conquering Leader (Rev.6:2; 13:2). He will be a military genius, out and out to war and conquest. No one will be able to stand in the way of his conquest.
In spite of his heroic exploits, he will be limited providentially. He can only do what He is allowed to do (Rev.11:5, 7: “he was given,” “it was granted to him”). He does not have absolute power. He is only a satanic creature. God will set his boundaries.
THE BEAST FROM THE SEA (an Exposition Outline of Rev.13:1-10)
A Description of the Beast (13:1-2)
The Death and Resurrection of the Beast (13:3-4)
The Blasphemies of the Beast (13:5-6)
The Power of the Beast (13:7)
The Worship of the Beast (13:8-10)
His Origin, Appearance & Identity (13:1-2)
His Affliction, Death, Resurrection& Its Impact (13:3-4)
His Authority, Aggression & Activity (13:5-8)
The End of His Authority (13:9-10)