A Personal Reflection on the Current War in Israel
Reminders from Covid World
A few important truths that the pandemic has brought to our attention.
An Eternal Quarantine
With Coronavirus dominating the news, the word "quarantine" has become very popular and even casual. It is a scary word for many...
Corona Conspiracy
Covid -19 brings a pandemic of conspiracy theories. Though the liberal media, and the political, medical, scientific, corporate...
A Christian Response to Pandemics
A look at how to respond to the current pandemic by trusting in God's goodness, omnipotent power and sovereign authority.
The Dilemma of the Evolutionary Worldview
A brief overview of how the evolutionary worldview does not necessitate compassion or care for others during these times.
Abandonment of Morality
What is the main agenda promoted by Leftist Political and Social Activist groups?
Social Justice
Is the current Coronavirus pandemic linked to Bible prophecy of the end times?
Viewpoint Discrimination & Approval of Evil
The Orientation of the Church
Sometimes we think that the church's orientation is limited to truth alone. No, the truth is always joined with grace.
The Global Pandemic of Moral Decay
Are the symptoms of final decay evident since the pandemic?
A Call to Revival, Renewal & Revitalization
Isn't it time for focused and intense prayer for confession, repentance, renewal, to seek God's face?
The Presidential Election & the Message of the Book of Daniel
How does the message in Daniel relate to the presidential election?
Think it Thru
Have you thought through the the moral, cultural and spiritual issues confronting our society today?
Leadership & Church Gathering
Remembering the Lord during the pandemic lock down has been a controversial issue in many churches.
Lest We Forget Our History
The importance of not forgetting our history, as we pray for the spiritual, moral battle raging in this country.
Name Change for Southern Baptists
The largest Protestant denomination has decided to drop the name "Southern" because of its racial connotations.
Vote to Honor God
Our earthly civic duty to our nation to vote should reflect the values of our heavenly citizenship.
Racism & Reconciliation
Are we forgetting the fact that we all are created equal in the image of God and we have only one identity?
Taking Prophecy Seriously
Did you know that 27 percent of the Bible is prophecy?
Law & Liberty
Liberty without Law is anarchy, liberty to defy law is rebellion, but liberty limited by law is the cornerstone of civilization.
A Biblical Philosophy of History
History is HIS STORY. Nothing will slow down the advancement of His Kingdom.
An Irresponsible Neglect
Are we neglecting the Scriptural teachings on fasting, spiritual warfare & the leadership of the Holy Spirit?
Persons, Policies, Politics & Preference
Do we base our voting on a person's character or on what will bring spiritual. moral, social and economic blessing to the country?
The Trend Toward Globalization
in the light of the COVID-19 outbreak, global response, global leadership & global cooperation have all become indispensable
How Should We Vote?
The intersection of faith & politics.
What in the World is Going On?
In light of the utter chaos, pandemic, lock-down, economic meltdown, few subjects are more relevant today than Bible Prophecy.
The Coronavirus & Bible Prophecy
Lockdown Worship
Prioritizing worship even during lockdown.
Covid Reform in Churches
A look at how the pandemic has forced some churches to be flexible on issues once considered non-negotiable.
Does 2 Chronicles 7:14 Apply to Us Today?
Does this Old Testament promise apply to us in the current pandemic?
Global Self-Reflection
Reflections on God's sovereignty during the pandemic.
Why Would a Good God Allow Suffering?
A biblical explanation of why God allows suffering.
How can we be thankful in the midst of a pandemic?
News of the Day
Ironic news regarding a healing revival in Georgia being discontinued due to the pandemic.
A Personal Concern
Sharing a personal concern regarding opposition to the local church meeting online during the pandemic.
The Historic Abraham Accord
Interesting Biblical Insights into the Abraham Accord peace deal signed by Israel, UAE & Bahrain.
A personal reflection on the privilege and blessings of worship.
Reflections on the Lord's Supper (in relation to the Covid-19 lockdown)
Clarifying issues against gathering in homes to observe the Lord's Supper during the lockdown.