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Vote to Honor God

Dr. Alexander Kurian

Since we have dual citizenship, on earth and also in heaven, our earthly civic duty to our nation to vote should reflect the values of our heavenly citizenship. This is really an important "faith"issue, and not a political issue. How can we support a campaign for immorality, same-sex marriage, advocating homosexuality, freedom to fornicate, legal rights to kill the baby at the will of the mother even up to the 9th month? As John MacArthur cautioned: "Sins of Romans 1 is their platform; a platform for things God hates, a campaign for immorality." It is interesting to note that Joe Biden's acceptance speech caps off some faith filled "God talk," People know that they have a God problem." It seems he wanted to correct that. John MacArthur commented: "To connect God with that agenda is blasphemy, a horror." Yes, we need to weigh in the seriousness of these issues. We also know about their support for socialist mobs promoting violence, anarchy, defunding the police, and strategies to destroy our country. In the name of "Coronoa Politics" disastrous proposals are there to completely shut down our country to cripple the economy to create a different America according to their extreme leftist agenda. Pray fervently for our nation (1 Tim.2:2) - "for kings and all who are in authority." Why should we pray?" "In order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. Even Christians religious liberty is at stake. Vote to Honor God.

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