Think It Thru
Dr. Alexander Kurian
I must (and you too, my friend) seriously think thru the moral, cultural and spiritual issues confronting our society today. The political, social, moral and racial agenda in our pagan society is dangerously biased against anything moral or righteous. Actually the most celebrated value of our society is Tolerance - tolerance of everything evil, with no absolutes, no sense of right and wrong, and many politicians like it very much. The only thing they are intolerant is biblical morality. In the name of compassion, non-discrimination, and tolerance, they are the propagandists for evil (with the support of the main stream media). They have little stomach for anything moral or righteous. They want to protect all forms of evil under US laws. That is why in the name of "Zero discrimination" they want to give even a child the right to make a life-altering, and likely non-reversible decision to identify as a transgender. They scheme more heinous agendas, and want to legalize them all. Friends, let them not lecture you on morality, tolerance, social justice, and compassion. THINK IT THRU. God is by nature moral. Our morality is centered in God, rather than men. We are responsible for doing God's will in relation to morality. All the acts of sin and immorality in rebellion against the revealed will of God will be judged by God. Romans 1 reminds us that the judgment of God falls not only on those who practice such things, but also on those who give hearty approval to others who practice them. THINK IT THRU!!