The Historic Abraham Accord
Dr. Alexander Kurian
Jerusalem is God’s stage for the final drama. Most of the end-time Bible prophecies are connected to Jerusalem and Israel. No doubt, the current events happening in the Middle East have great significance in relation to Israel. Though we should not sensationalize Bible prophecy or read into it our predictions, Bible students must interpret and understand prophecy to inform our minds, bless our hearts and stir our souls with the blessed hope of Christ’s return.
A historic and monumental peace treaty, known as the “Abraham Accord,” was signed on Sept.15, 2020. President Trump hosted the signing between Israel, UAE and Bahrain. This treaty of peace will pave the way for diplomatic relations and full normalization between Israel and the Arab States of the UAE and Bahrain. Three copies of the treaty written in three languages were signed – English, Hebrew and Arabic. President Trump has secured a historic deal between Israel and the Arab nations. The UAE is only the third Arab State (after Egypt and Jordan) to agree to normalization of diplomatic ties with the Jewish State.
“These visionary leaders will sign the first two peace deals between Israel and the Arab state in more than a quarter century,” President Trump said. “This peace will eventually expand to include other Arab States, and ultimately can end the Arab-Israeli conflict, once and for all,” said Prime Minister Netanyahu. Several Arab nations have welcomed the move, and all eyes are on S. Arabia, who may also consider joining the treaty. This historic event will leave open the possibility that more Arab States will make peace with Israel.
If this peace treaty holds up effectively, the radical, fundamentalist Iran and her allies in the Middle East will be isolated. It will be a major victory for U.S. foreign policy. The moderate Sunni-led Muslim countries are concerned about the growing threat from Iran and its proxies. This may be a pragmatic reason for this peace deal. If they can come under one umbrella in unity and peace, with the support of the United States, and no hostility to Israel, they will be able to isolate Iran. Iran has to think twice before it makes any aggressive military move against the Arab States or Israel.
Knowing Israel’s prosperity and military capabilities, moderate Arab states prefer to be in peace with Israel. The young political leaders in the region have a vision for better, safer, and more prosperous lives. Industrial, agricultural, technological and trade relations will be mutually beneficial. Free travel between these countries and tourism will boost their economy and they will have a better image in the free world. They also want to maintain their friendly ties with the United States as they are totally dependent on U.S. military might to give them protection from the attacks of some of their rogue neighbors. With all these considerations, it is safer to be friends with Israel, rather than an enemy. A smart and timely move indeed! Above all, the God of the universe, the Architect of the ages, is moving His mighty hands in preparation for some significant end-time events.
Analyzing the Abraham Accord from a Biblical perspective gives us some interesting insights. The signing coincided with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, which inaugurates newness of life, repentance, restitution, reconciliation, putting things right with neighbors, and leads up to Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement). Rosh Hashanah 2020 began on the evening of Friday Sept.18 and ended on the evening of Sunday Sept.20. Yom Kippur will begin the evening of Sunday Sept.27 and ends on the evening of Monday, Sept.28.
Peace is indeed a good thing. But all who have tried to create lasting peace between Israel and her neighbors have failed. The Abraham Accord may also be a false or temporary peace. The Bible clearly indicates that the land of Israel will be a source of great controversy in the last days. Even through the Abraham Accord peace deal, I believe that the Lord will accomplish His sovereign purpose in His prophetic plans.
The Word of God tells us about another significant peace treaty in the future, initiated by a powerful world leader. “And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week” (Dan.9:27). This is a reference to the Antichrist, the final leader of the Gentile world powers who will mediate a peace pact for the Jewish people at the beginning of the Tribulation period. But he himself will break his covenant in the middle of the seven-year Tribulation. Our Lord declared that “Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled” (Luke 21:24). The times of the Gentiles will continue till the end of the Tribulation days when the Prince of Peace will return.
Peace in the region unites the moderate Arab states fighting Iran’s aggression. In Bible prophecies, certain Arab countries are portrayed in a positive light in relation to Israel (Isa.60:6, Psalm 72:10; Ezk.27:15, Ezk. 38:13). Sheba and Dedan refer to countries in the Arabian Peninsula region. The links of peace between some of these Arab countries and Israel seem to be a possibility at least for a time for the preparation of specific end-time events. Ezk. 38 speaks of an invasion that comes from the North led by Russia, and involving Iran, Turkey and other nations. When the armies of these nations move on Israel, the Bible says they will be challenged by “Sheba, and Dadan, and the merchants of Tarshish with all the young lions thereof” (Ezk.38:13). Some countries in the Arabian Peninsula under the leadership of Western powers (Britain and her offshoots, possibly USA also) oppose the invaders of Israel. They appear to be on Israel’s side. These biblical insights help us analyze and understand the relevance of the present political developments in the Middle East.
One wonders whether the Abraham Accord is setting the stage for Ezk.38 and the peace treaty that will take place in the future under the leadership of the Antichrist, guaranteeing Israel peace and safety. Ezk.38 also speaks of countries like Sheba and Dedan in the Arabian Peninsula coming to Israel’s support.
We read of the real and permanent Abraham Accord in Genesis 12 and it is further ratified in Genesis 15. Personal, national and universal blessings are promised to Abraham by the Lord. It was initiated by God Himself and this is an everlasting and unconditional covenant. Abraham’s descendants will ultimately possess the land that was promised to them by the God of Abraham. This accord will never fail and no one can interfere with its fulfillment. It will guarantee permanent peace to Israel. It’s fulfillment in all its parts depends only on God’s doing. “And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you…And I will bless those who bless you” (Gen.12:2-3).
The ultimate solution to the Middle East crisis and the world itself is in the promised return of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.