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The Global Pandemic of Moral Decay

Dr. Alexander Kurian

Perilous times, violence, thuggery, rebellion, corruption, anarchy, stinking political ideologies, deception, hatred of truth, morality, authority, discipline and order, and politicians/governments to legalize and support it all. Sociologist Dr. Carl Zimmerman wrote (Family & Civilization) about symptoms of final decay observable in the fall of both Greek and Roman civilizations. It is even true of today about our society:

1. No fault divorce

2. "Birth Dearth"- increased disrespect for parenthood and parents

3. Meaningless marriage rites/ceremonies

4. Defamation of past national heroes

5. Acceptance of alternate marriage forms

6. Widespread attitudes of feminism, narcissism, hedonism

7. Propagation of antifamily sentiment

8. Acceptance of most forms of adultery

9. Rebellious children

10. Increased juvenile delinquency

11. Common acceptance of all forms of sexual perversion

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