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Social Justice

Dr. Alexander Kurian

Social Justice has become a fancy term and it is interpreted and twisted in various ways with a view to get mileage for various groups.Don't be trapped in this deception. It has lost its definition and clarity. Be careful when you define this term. Justice is what is right as declared by God. "What is good, what does the Lord require of do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8). Anything that breeds hatred, toxicity in society, violence, anarchy, disrespect, pulling down moral norms, rebellion against divinely established institutions, violation of law, hurting others, destructive actions is NOT justice. We cannot be supportive of such movements and align ourselves with their ideology and philosophy. The end does not justify the means. Our voices must be heard. We have to hunger and thirst, for justice and righteousness, work towards it with a redemptive attitude to help the oppressed, but only within a biblical worldview; a theocentric (God-centered) approach to anthropocentic (man-centered) issues, based on a logoscentric (Word-centered) strategy, with a Christocentric (Christ-centered) goal - the glory and honor of His name.

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