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Covid Reform in Churches

Dr. Alexander Kurian

Many churches had to make compromising stands or dilute their hard line approach to some non-essential areas. This hard-line legalistic theology never allowed any freedom in areas where we can legitimately exercise our Christian liberty. Some of the Christian assemblies were always VERY critical of other Christian gatherings (I mean true believers) were they would follow a pre-assigned program or order of service, or who may be worshiping the Lord little differently. But right now in Zoom services, a preassigned order of service is well accepted.It is perfectly ok, I know of assemblies fighting over the issue of one cup vs multiple cups for several years. Finally, Covid brought radical changes. Now they are ok with multiple cups. I have heard zealous believers vehemently arguing that Sunday gathering is THE meeting of the church, so we can never have a Sunday meeting without the celebration of the Lord's Supper. That also is changed now. To some others, technology is too bad and we cannot do any spiritual/church service through it. That is also revised drastically. But some still argue we can do all meetings through the help of technology except worship.... Wait and see for other changes that may happen!! Man-made theology is always misleading. it is a theology of convenience. Beware of it even with its pious labels. Let us continue to be gracious to our fellow-believers who love and serve the Lord faithfully and truthfully though they may differ from us on certain non-essential or peripheral issues.

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