The Dilemma of the Evolutionary Worldview
Dr. Alexander Kurian
Globally we are witnessing amazing acts of sacrifice, kindness, compassion and caring for those who are suffering in this terrible Corona pandemic. A big salute to all care-givers! The evolutionary worldview does not promote, require or necessitate any altruism and compassion for others. It believes in the "Survival of the Fittest." If anyone believes it seriously and act accordingly the result will be disastrous. But Evolution/ Atheism has no basic premise or foundation to explain humanity's sense of goodness & morality. They can't logically explain it. They may come up with reasons - "do good for the species," "this is our social instinct," co-operation with others as useful to our own ends" etc. Ridiculous! The whole idea of rights, worth, dignity, goodness & compassion is meaningless in this purely material Darwinian universe. we are simply another species of animal!! Concepts of rights, worth and dignity emerge from a Biblical worldview of "Imago Dei" - humankind is made in the image of God. Without this theological foundation there is only the "survival of the fittest." In the Darwinian world there is only competition and fight to survive...yes, natural selection. Compassion, caring and sacrifice have no logical basis in their worldview.