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Reminders from Covid World

Dr. Alexander Kurian

1. The Coronavirus crisis reminds us of our finitude and mortality; we are not gods.

2. Science and medicines will not ultimately help us. Let us not put our trust in man.

3. The most intelligent "expert" is helpless when confronted by a tiny virus in God's creation.

4. Reminds us that this world is not our permanent home; we are just passing by.

5. Not to store up treasures here on earth, but store up eternal treasures.

6. Do not waste time; redeem the time.

7. God is Sovereign and He is on the throne. He has a right to bring judgment upon nations.

8.This is a golden opportunity to declare our faith and hope in the true and the living God.

9. Reminds us to be submissive to God's will, plan and purpose; to renew our commitment to Him.

10. God does all things according to the counsel of His will, He knows the end from the beginning and we can continue to trust in His promises and providential care for us.

11. Do you have a place to "go" when you "leave" this world? People usually say, "dead and gone." But where?

12. Reminds us to have legitimate concern, care and caution, but to avoid worry, because our loving heavenly Father has repeatedly told us not to worry.

13. Even when we don't understand how God's mighty hands work, be assured that His loving heart is always for us.

14. Constantly reminds us what our response should be in times like these.

15. Have you answered the "wake up" call from God? If not, do not delay, answer Him. He is available 24/7.

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