An Eternal Quarantine
Dr. Alexander Kurian
With Coronavirus dominating the news, the word "quarantine" has become very popular and even casual. It is a scary word for many and an unpleasant word to all. it is a word that denotes "distance;" being away from others. It is a practical measure not to infect others. This reminds me of an eternal quarantine described in the Bible (hell). In the words of Tony Evans, "God will quarantine all those who are not rightly related to Him in the pit of the universe so they won't mess up the enjoyment of heaven for those who are rightly related to Him." This eternal quarantine is reserved only for those who reject the love and grace of God manifested through the death of Christ on the cross. "The Lord is patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).