A Personal Concern
Dr. Alexander Kurian
The Brethren Assemblies are committed to a regular, weekly observance of the Lord's Supper. It is considered as the most cherished distinctive of the Brethren. In the current lock-down situation churches are forced to suspend their physical gatherings. This has raised the question of how best to gather. Many Brethren assemblies along with numerous other Christian churches are conducting their meetings and worship service making use of the technology available to us.
But sad to say, in this situation when people are stressed out and in a panic mode, instead of a gracious approach with pastoral sensitivity to encourage them, many Brethren again have started to "major on minors" (one of their specialties as amply proved by the schisms in the history of the assemblies). They try to superimpose their personal views as "doctrine" in a condemning and critical spirit over others who disagree with them in matters related to worship at home through technology in this unique and unprecedented situation. It is an unloving policy of "Truth without "grace" which also has adversely affected the Brethren movement around the world.
Why don't we have the graciousness to leave this matter to the local assemblies to decide? Don't you think that is the most prudent thing to do? If anyone doesn't want to have meetings/worship through technology, yes, you don't have to. No body drags you into it. Be blessed in your convictions. The Lord knows it. But why should you parade your views as the only doctrine (as though others have no clue about the doctrine) and try to mislead and confuse others? Please don't dampen the spirit of sincere souls trying to find joy in worshiping the Lord during these difficult times. Leave it to the assemblies, let them decide. Let us try to minister God's love and grace to people in this time of great need. I am blessed to see so many pastors of conservative evangelical churches in the city in which I live work day and night to extend their "pastoral care" (pardon me for this unbrethren term) to the people. A worthy example for me/us to follow. Blessings!