A Christian Response to Pandemics
Dr. Alexander Kurian
The coronavirus has brought us to a near complete global lock-down. Let us not forget the fact that the church has been handling epidemic for the last 2000 years. In AD 260 a plague that lasted over a period of 15 years killed thousands of people. Plagues and epidemics devastated the Roman empire in the following centuries. Christians ministered during these trying times with faith, fortitude, prayer, compassion and caring. The writings of Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria, Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage in the 3rd century declares to the world how Christians shone in the midst of this terrible ordeal. When the Black Death/Bubonic Plague struck Wittenberg in 1527, though many fled, Martin Luther and his pregnant wife Katharina remained to care for the sick. Luther continued with the church services. He wrote: "We are here alone with the deacons, but Christ is present too, that we may not be alone, and he will triumph in us over that old serpent, murderer and author of sin......Pray for us, and farewell" (Aug.19, 1527).
Yes, we should be concerned to the point of taking all precautionary measures to mitigate against contracting it or spreading it. But we should not panic, and worry as the Lord has told us. Trust in God's goodness and omnipotent power and sovereign authority. Let us pray for all those who are affected and suffering; kind and compassionate to those in need. We are called to show our robust hope to a hopeless world. Though our gatherings may be limited, let us not abandon our prayer, worship and the life-line of mutual caring, support and fellowship. We serve a Victorious Lord -Jesus Victor.