A Biblical Philosophy of History
Dr. Alexander Kurian
Corruption, deception, manipulation, voter fraud, no place for truth, legalizing of sin and immorality; yes, it is the rule of the day. All opposing voices are silenced. Citizens are denied the right to know the truth about what is really going on in our country. Many of our political leaders call evil good, and good evil. The only people the culture is not tolerant of are those of us who are Christians. We are fair game for the liberal media's slander and mockery, because we do not believe in the lies they try to promote 24/7. We hold a Book in our hand, that opens with creation and expands on God's kingdom rule throughout history and into eternity. At the end of it all He wins. He will write the last chapter. He will judge those who rebelled against His truth. His kingdom rules over all. What happens in this election has nothing to do with His Kingdom. He holds world history and redemptive history in His sovereign hand, and He is on schedule, fulfilling His sovereign purposes. History is HIS STORY. Nothing will slow down the advancement of His Kingdom. We believe in the comprehensive rule of God in every area of life. Let us make sure we live everyday of our life under the rule, authority and the kingdom agenda of the King.