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The Character of the Prophetic Word


Dr. Alexander Kurian

2 Peter 1:19-21: The character, the present function and the origin of the prophetic word.
Isa.46:8-10: Origin, authority, reliability and veracity of Bible prophecy.
Rev.1:1; 22: 6, 10 (“things which must shortly take place”): The proximity, certainty, rapidity and imminence of the event.
Dan. 2:45; 8: 26; 9:27; 10:1,14, 21; 11:2,27,29,35,36; 12:4,9: “The end”, “what has been determined”, “the appointed time”, “Scripture of truth.” Prophecy’s fulfillment is sure and certain.

God and History: History is His Story

  • God of Creation

  • God of Communication

  • God of Redemption

  • God of Preservation

  • God of Consummation (Linear view of history as opposed to circular view of history)

An Overview of Future Events (Panorama of Prophecy)

A panorama of prophecy will give a bird’s-eye view of the prophetic program as it is unfolded in the word of God in order to give a perspective of coming events and show them in their relationship to one another.

  1. The Rapture of the Church

  2. The Judgment Seat of Christ

  3. The Seven-Year Tribulation

  4. The Second Coming of Christ to the Earth. Five important events occur in connection with the second coming: • The judgment of the living gentiles (Matt.25:31-46) • The judgment of Israel (Matt.25:1-11) • The resurrection and rewarding of OT saints and the saints who perished in the tribulation (Dan.12:2; Rev.20:4-6; Rev.6:9) • The binding of Satan (Rev.20:1-3) • The establishing of the Messianic kingdom

  5. The Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ

  6. The Final Judgments

  7. The Eternal State (The Eternal Kingdom of God)

Understanding the Major Views of Bible Prophecy

  1. Premillenialism: The term “millennium” means a thousand years (from Latin words: mille, “a thousand,” and annus, “year”). Premillennialism teaches that the second coming of Christ takes place before (pre) the millennial reign. Thus the millennium begins after the return of Christ to the earth. There are two types of premillennialism - nondispensational and dispensational. All dispensationalists are premillennial, but all premillennialists are not dispensational.

  2. Amillennialism: When Christ returns He will not establish a literal one thousand year kingdom ( a millennial actually means “no millennium”). One thousand year denotes an indefinite period of time. Millennial kingdom began at the first coming of Christ and will continue until the second coming. Christ is today reigning in the church in the hearts of believers, as well as over the souls of believers in heaven.

  3. Postmillennialism: Jesus Christ will return after the millennium. No literal millennial reign of Christ. A golden age of peace and righteousness will be brought in after the Gospel is preached in the entire world. The world eventually will be Christianized and then Christ will return.

The Rapture Views

  1. Pretribulational Rapture View: The entire church will be raptured, before any part of the seven-year tribulation period begins.

  2. Posttribulational Rapture View: The church will pass through the tribulation period and then Christ will come. The “rapture” and the “appearing” take place at the same time.

  3. Midtribulational Rapture View: The church will pass through the first half of the tribulation period. The church will be raptured n the middle of the 70th week of Daniel (at the midpoint of tribulation).

  4. Partial Rapture View: The entire church will not be raptured when the Lord comes. Only the spiritual, holy, prepared, watching and waiting believers will be raptured. Carnal Christians will be purified through the tribulation.

  5. The Prewrath Rapture View: This is a more recent position concerning the time of the rapture. The church will go through the first half and a significant part of the second half of the tribulation. The rapture will occur about three-fourths (almost five and a half years) of the way through the Tribulation, when the wrath of God begins to be poured out on the earth.


The Biblical Covenants and Eschatology


The way we view the Biblical covenants largely determines our understanding of prophecy and God’s program for the future. One’s eschatological system is determined by the interpretation of these covenants.

  1. The Abrahamic Covenant: (Gen.12:1-3). Confirmation and enlargement of this covenant is recorded in several other places (Gen.13:14-17; 15; 17:1-14; 22:15-18). The promise of national & universal blessings, descendants, a great nation and a national land.

  2. The Palestinian Covenant (Deute.30:1-10). It concerns the land of Palestine. This covenant promised Israel peace, safety and prosperity in the land and also final, permanent restoration to the land.

  3. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7:12-16). The promise of a seed, a dynasty, a kingdom, and a throne.

  4. The New Covenant (Jer.31:31-34). The promise of a new heart, final restoration, spiritual blessings, and redemption.


Interpreting Bible Prophecy

  1. Interpret the prophetic passage literally.

  2. Interpret by comparing prophecy with prophecy (the harmony of prophecy)

  3. Interpret in light of possible time intervals

  4. Interpret according to the law of double reference

  5. Interpret prophecy Christologically

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