Basics in Ecclesiology (The Doctrine of the Christian Church)
Dr. Alexander Kurian
The Universal Church
The universal church consists of all who have been saved during the present church age (from the day of Pentecost to the Rapture) and who have been joined to the body of Christ (Matt.16:18; Eph.1:22-23; Col.1:18, 24).
The Local Church
A local church is a group of believers gathering in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in a particular locality, who have been baptized and who have organized themselves to observe the ordinances and engage in worship, fellowship, and evangelism (Col.1:2; I Thess.1:1; I Cor.4:17; Gal.1:22).
The Mystery of the Church
A mystery doctrine in the NT signifies something which previously has been hidden but now is revealed through the apostles and prophets (Rom.16:25). The incorporation of the Gentiles on equal terms with the Jews to form the Church, the body of Christ is the mystery of the church (Col.1:26-27; Eph.3:5-6). This was not foreseen in OT times.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
The Spirit’s work of baptism identifies the believing sinner with Christ and with other members of His body (I Cor.12:12-13). There is no reference to the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the OT.
Spiritual Gift
A spiritual gift is a God-given ability for spiritual service in the body of Christ (Rom.12:6; I Cor.12:1).
An ordinance refers to an outward rite appointed by Christ to be observed by the church as a visible sign of the saving truth of the Gospel.
The Priesthood of All Believers
There is no “clergy” and “laity” distinction in the Church of God. All believers have equal priestly rank, privilege and direct access to God without any human or angelic mediators. All believers have been called to the priestly function of offering to God spiritual sacrifices (I Pet.2:5,8).
The Blessed Hope of the Church
When the Lord has completed the work of building His church, He will return and receive the church to Himself. The living believers at that time will be transformed, and the dead in Christ will be resurrected in glorified bodies and these two groups will be caught up together (raptured) to meet the Lord in the air (I Thess.4:13-18; I Cor.15:50-58; Jn.14:1-3).