The Need for Broader Participation in the Remembrance Meeting
Dr. Alexander Kurian
Our worship/Remembrance/Lord’s Supper meeting is not led or controlled by a group of professional ministers. What a liberating truth! It is supremely important for us as New Testament priests to perform acts of worship as we gather together to remember the Lord. The men in the assembly have the privilege and opportunity to audibly participate in this priestly service of spiritual sacrifices (Heb.13:15; 1Peter 2:5). This is our birthright, a real practical demonstration of the great doctrine of the priesthood of believers.
But the truth of the matter is, only a very small number of men are willing to participate in the meeting from week to week, and often the same men every week! Most of the young people in the assembly are silent during this time, though they are active in other areas of service. This is a valid concern shared by the leadership of many assemblies. This widespread problem robs the assembly of fresh, vibrant, and inspiring worship.
Though brief meditations from the Word and announcing a hymn have all its place, the most important thing is to praise and worship the Lord by pouring out our hearts before Him. A spontaneous outpouring of gratitude in worship is the most important element in worship. Even if we share a brief comment or thought from the Word appropriate to the occasion (which is well and good), let us make sure we conclude it with a word of prayer expressive of our worship. Though we are not guided by legalistic rules, the most valuable way to contribute in the Lord’s Supper is to simply offer a short prayer of praise, adoration and worship. It adds vibrancy and life to our worship. This seems to be a lost art among God’s people in many parts of the world.
Let me share a personal note here: My parents, early mentors and elders always encouraged and instructed the young men in our assembly to be active first in the worship meeting. Many in my generation can testify to the same approach. Meaningful and vibrant worship was a high priority and that was the first step young people were encouraged to take. A.P. Gibb’s book, Worship: The Christian’s Highest Occupation was the present given to me by my parents after my baptism. This was the sentiment shared by assembly believers world over. They wanted to make sure that the Lord’s Supper meeting is always fresh, meaningful, enjoyable and inspiring.
Prior preparation will definitely help us in meaningful participation in the Lord’s Supper. Let me quote A. P. Gibbs: “God’s Word to Israel was: “None shall appear before me empty” (Exod.23:15). It is pathetic indeed, at a meeting convened particularly for worship, to see so many who apparently have neither taken the time nor made the effort to put anything in their basket of gratitude. The long periods of silence in many worship meetings are often, not the silences of worshipful adoration, but the silences of spiritual poverty.”
Let us all commit ourselves to rediscover the power, grandeur and blessing of real worship. Remember, the Breaking of Bread Meeting is the most cherished distinctive of the Brethren Assemblies. Please prayerfully consider how you can personally contribute to the blessing of this most important of meetings. Make a new decision in your life to be a diligent worshipper more than anything else.
(Three years ago Bro. Mike Stephenson wrote a book titled, New Testament Priests, Speak Up {Published by ECS Publications}. This is a very challenging book addressing the need for more participation in the Lord’s Supper. He observes some of the deficiencies in our worship meeting and points out ways to remedy it. He also gives simple and practical guidelines to encourage and equip the men for more meaningful participation. A MUST read).