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Anointing of the Holy Spirit

John Kurian

Anointing in the Old Testament

  1. In connection with priests: Ceremony for separating or officially appointing for the service of the Lord Ex. 28:41; 29:5,7,21; Lev.8:12 (Aaron)

  2. In connection with kings: 1 Sam.10:1 (Saul), 16:13 (David); 1Kings 1:39 (Solomon); 1 Kings19:15 (Hazael)

  3. In connection with prophets: 1Kings 19:16 (Elisha)

  4. In connection with utensils or vessels in the temple: Ex. 40:9; 30:26-29 – setting apart the vessels in the temple exclusively for the Lord’s service.



  • When anointing the priests, the oil of anointing was poured on the head of the high priest only (Ex.29:5, 7).

  • The robes and the garments of the other priests were anointed (Ex. 29:21). Their heads were not anointed.

  • The oil should not be poured on the flesh of any person (Ex. 30:32).

  • Psalms 133:2  The oil poured on the head of Aaron flowed downwards.


Anointing in the New Testament

  1. In connection with Christ: Luke 4:18; Acts. 4:27; 10:38 - Christ is king, prophet and priest.

  2. In connection with believers: 2 Cor. 1:21; 1 John 2:20&27 only three verses.



  • Messiah, Christ = the anointed one – Because Christ, who is the Head and the Priest has been anointed the body is also thereby anointed (Psalms 133:2).

  • Since it is clear from scripture that the head who is the Christ has been anointed by the Holy Spirit, those who are saved are automatically anointed as they become the members of the body of Christ (Acts 2:47).

  • Since the word Christ means ‘anointed one, baptized into Christ means baptized into the anointed one and put on Christ means putting on the anointed one (Gal. 3:27).

  • Christ in you the hope of glory should read “ The anointed one in you, the hope of glory (Col. 1:27). There cannot be a possibility of the anointed one being in us and the anointing not being in us.

  • The ceremony of anointing is no longer being carried out, it is not repeated. When a person is saved he becomes a part of the body of the anointed one and thereby he partakes of the anointing too.

  • The three references to the anointing in the believer are mentioned in the past tense (a work that has already been done or completed). This certifies that the believer has been anointed, he has received the anointing and that the anointing dwells in him. 2 Cor. 1:21; 1 John 2:20, 27.

  • All believers have been called out as a royal priesthood and as prophets to proclaim the praises of the one who has called them , and therefore all of them are anointed“ 1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6; 5:9, 10.

  • Only the anointed priests had the right to perform the sacrifices. Today all believers have the right to worship God offering the sacrifice of praises of the lips (Heb. 13:15). This is because all believers have been anointed.

  • 2 Cor. 1:21 He which establishes us present tense and hath anointed us past tense

  • 1 John 2:20,27 - Through the anointing we are able to understand divine truths; discern between the right and wrong; there is no need to go in search of other knowledge apart from the truths of God.



  • The Scripture says that all believers have the anointing of the Holy Spirit

  • There are no 2 groups of believers as anointed believers and un-anointed believers

  • There is no need to ask a believer if he is anointed neither is there a command in Scripture to receive the anointing

  • Nowhere in Scripture do we read of anointing in connection with speaking in tongues

  • No where is spiritual maturity or victorious life spoken of in connection with anointing. For example - the Corinthians were the most carnal yet they are spoken of as anointed ones (2 Cor.1:21).

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